Thursday, June 8, 2017

Week in Review (May 30 - June 5)

Tuesday (14,701 steps) - Barre.
Wednesday (15,774 steps) - Special run club at Coohill's! Since I was "tapering," I only had two miles on schedule. Heather and I ran together on the Cherry Creek trail and A ran with Mo and Colfax.

Like usual, the food was fantastic!
Thursday (20,272 steps) - Barre. Had to drive into Golden to Runner's High to pick up my bib for the Dirty 30, so we were late to run club. Mo waited for us and we walked the big loop (with a small detour to cut it a littler shorter).
Friday (12,808 steps) - Nothing.
Saturday (79,303 steps) - Dirty 30. A and I went to Yogurtland and picked up a pizza. I was impressed that I managed to make it until it was dark outside before I went to bed.
Sunday (10,796 steps) - Up early for the RMRR June trophy series! A was running the 4k and I was volunteering at the finish line. A ran a very strong race and got a blue ribbon! A fun race that had pancakes at the end.
Runners Roost team picture

Ribbon winners!
We drove over to the Alamo Draft House for the 2nd Annual Hardrock Film Festival! I was surprised that the turnout was so low, but I guess people are out running or brunching at 10 am. The best part of the day was that I won one of the grand prize raffles - a pair of Hoka trail shoes! I'll try some on this week before I decide on a pair.

Monday (14,431 steps) - Nada.

  • 168,085 steps
  • 33.6 miles "run"
  • 2 barre classes

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...