Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Week in Review (May 2 - May 8)

Tuesday (25,834 steps) - Finally back to speed work! We arrived at Wash Park just before 5:30. It was a fairly warm morning and I only kept my thin jacket on for the warm up jog.

15 minute warm up - @ 11:06 pace
4 x .04 strides @ 6:57, 6:10, 6:28, 6:06
1 x 1600m @ 9:27 (this was HARD)
800m - 5:14 (10:20 pace)
800m - 5:10 (10:05 pace)
800m - 4:55 (9:42 pace)
800m - 4:50 (9:31 pace)
800m - 4:46 (9:29 pace)
800m - 4:29 (8:55 pace)
.35 mile cool down jog back to the car

It's very humbling knowing that 6 years ago I could run a half marathon at these paces and now I struggle through these repeats. However, I did run all the 800's with negative splits, I think that is a pretty big accomplishment!
Barre class with Laura during lunch (might be my last barre class with her for a while) and after work/school A had gymnastics.
Wednesday (21,321 steps) - Denver run club. We actually did the scheduled Cook Park route and Mo beat her mileage from last week to have her longest training run in over 9 months! Even though the day started out with freezing temperatures and snow, the weather was perfect by the time we were out on our run.
These crochet flowers are pretty cool! Apparently they move on the trail regularly.
Thursday (15,549 steps) - Barre with Gabi. Belmar run club - Cinco de Mayo edition! A and I ran/walked the big loop with Mo and then stuck around for jell-o shots and a pinata.

A was having a friend spend the night so we had to head out early to pick up pizza and get home in time to clean up. We also had Batman Sour's third birthday party!
Friday (15,611 steps) - Nothing. A and I went for a walk to the lake after work since the weather was so nice.
Saturday (36,019 steps) - Runners Edge! I had 12 miles on schedule and it was pretty rough. How did I ever run extreme distances? It was also really hot... A ran 4 miles (last 2 with David).

We had just enough time to get some food at Einsteins, pack up our aid station and get to her school for her 11 am soccer game... WHICH THEY WON!
Afternoon spent picking up some groceries and new clothes for A, who is outgrowing everything and sewing the rest of the patches on her Girl Scout vest.
Sunday (21,108 steps) - Rocky Mountain Road Runner 5 miler at Stapleton. The gps sent us to a weird warehouse district 10 minutes away, but luckily I had planned on arriving early. Enough time to get our bibs and use the bathroom. We somehow got dropped off the trophy series list so A and I both started at gun time. I was only able to keep up with her for about 5 minutes before she ran off. Legs were super tired and I had to spend a decent amount of time walking in miles 2 and 3. Felt a bit better by the end and miraculously came in under 11 minute pace.

A official time - 52:36

My official time - 54:02
Garmin time - 54:01
Garmin distance - 5.02
Garmin pace - 10:46
Mile 1 - 10:27
Mile 2 - 11:27
Mile 3 - 11:00
Mile 4 - 10:43
Mile 5 - 10:14

In the afternoon we drove back down south for A's Bronze Award ceremony for Girl Scouts. A pretty big deal!
These three have been in the same troop since they were five!

I unfortunately was not able to get any good pictures during the actual ceremony since we were in the back and the zoom on my phone isn't the best.

Evening spent cleaning and rearranging the living room.
Monday (14,146 steps) - Barre. Went to lunch at The Palm to celebrate a new career. Then, A's soccer practice was cancelled because of lightning. On my way to pick her up I got caught in one of the nastiest hail storms Denver has seen - and it severely damaged my car. Can't wait to start the process of getting THAT fixed.
  • 149,588 steps
  • 31.6 miles run
  • 3 barre classes and a walk with A
Everything Else:
  • I put in my official notice at my job. Well, I had put it in the week before, but this was "for real for real." Bittersweet as I really like my attorneys, but with so many of them leaving the firm I got increasingly concerned about job security. Onward!

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...