Thursday, August 4, 2016

Week in Review (July 26 - August 1)

Tuesday (18,691 steps) - Went to work early because I had to leave work early to meet up with the guy to install my new hideous storm door. He was super quick and efficient, he got the old door down and the new one up in 45 minutes.
Left was my old door that the HOA made me take down. Right is the new ugly door.
Did some walking on the treadmill, took an epsom salt bath, iced the hip and did day 1 of the Fitness Blender stretching challenge. This was a super boring video, I probably won't do it again.
Wednesday (18,702 steps) - Up early for barre class. It's my one month barre-aversary!!
This is good because I feel like I have come a long way. There are still holds/repetitions that make me want to cry, but I think I have gotten stronger and have a better handle on what I am doing. This is bad, because it means my one-month introductory trial is almost over... I have to decide what I'm going to do. I would love to continue going, three times a week if possible, but financially, I'm not sure I can swing it. I have through the weekend to figure it out I guess. After work I headed to the Kitchen Next Door for a special run club!
The turnout was HUGE, as it was a "going away, thank you" party for the former owners of Runners Roost. Maureen and I walked a few miles on the Cherry Creek trail and then it was appetizers and beers... until last call.

I am really too old for this! It was midnight before I got to bed. Womp.
Thursday (22,211 steps) - Understandably, a rough morning. After work I headed over to Belmar for the Lakewood run club. Yet another walk with Maureen and Colfax. Food and beer at Rocko's after. I managed to get out by 8:30 so that I could go home and do some last minute cleaning.
Friday (14,921 steps) - NO WORK!!!! Tried to sleep in and failed. Went to A's school to finish her registration - how is she already going into 5th grade? Crazy. Then I went to barre class. The best part of my morning was getting a free Santiago's breakfast burrito. Of course I had to keep it in my bag until after class. I immediately headed to the airport where I picked up Heather for our WEEKEND OF FUN!!! We stopped at Snooze for brunch, where we had an hour wait. The food was delicious. Since I had already eaten the burrito, I "only" had the chocolate peanut butter pancakes and a brewmosa.
Literally drowning in peanut butter
Drove down to pick up A from camp, barely making it there. Friday afternoon pick-up is literally the worst. When we got to camp, I was told that A had gotten lice - but "don't worry, she didn't get it from someone else, she probably just got it from camping." Oh. Great. On the way home we stopped at Ratio Beerworks for "Frozen Matter" (which only A had) and a beer.
Then we had to buy some treatment for A. The evening was spent watching TV and DOING the treatments, which is the least fun ever. At least she didn't have a bad case of it, I only found a couple of nits and it wasn't as gross as I expected. Dinner was Tokyo Joe's.
Saturday (25,198 steps) - Up before 5 am. Stopped at Dunkin for coffee and then drove up to Rocky Mountain National Park. I hadn't been there in probably a decade, but I'm glad we got up there early, as the parking lot at Bear Lake was already half full at 6:30 in the morning. I had printed out a map and we decided to do the "four lake loop." We hiked by Alberta Falls, Dream Lake, then up to Emerald Lake, Nymph Lake, and ended at Bear Lake.

Dream Lake

Nymph Lake - with #allthelilypads
The weather was great and we had a good time. We stopped in Estes Park for lunch, which was DELICIOUS.

By the time we got home and showered, we pretty much spent the rest of the day on the couch. If I can't run, I might as well sit, right? Dinner at Old Chicago - pizza and more beer. In bed by 9.
Sunday (35,450 steps) - Black Hawk "half marathon."
After we were done with the race, I thought it might be fun to find a patio to sit on in Golden. Turns out they were having some sort of festival and everything was a giant disaster. We stopped at Runners Roost in Belmar for Heather to pick up an Addaday for her daughter, and instead, we went into Denver and got a "light" lunch at Cheesecake Factory. I think for the first time ever I didn't get cheesecake. After lunch we went back over to Ratio for cupcakes and beer flights.
We really lucked out with the weather, we sat on the patio and enjoyed a light breeze and clouds. Hooray! More sitting and then dinner at Corona's.
Monday (20,426 steps) - Plans to sleep in, but that kinda failed. Again. Around 8:30 we went over to Lair O' the Bear and did a short 3ish mile hike. Breakfast in Morrison, which was delicious.
Hours of TV, then it was time to take Heather back to the airport. Sad. After we dropped her off we went down to Runners Roost for the Rock n' Roll training kick off. Headed over to the track to see how running would be. The answer? STILL NOT WELL. Damn. Suffered through about 2 miles of misery. This is not fun. There wasn't a big turnout, so I actually won the raffle, which was an entry into one of the Rocky Mountain Brew Runs. Which likely will be a walk.

  • 155,599 steps
  • 14.1 miles "run"
  • 2 hikes at about 10 miles, lots of walking :(
  • 2 barre classes and 30 minutes of stretching
Everything Else:
  • So obviously, the hip is still not doing great.
  • I decided to do the monthly auto-pay of barre to see how it goes. I can't commit to more than that, and don't want to pay per class ($20 a pop!)
  • The dude that I went on the 1.5 dates with apparently is a total lunatic. After initially seeming ok with being rejected, turns out, he wasn't. We kept touch via text for about a week and then he started posting immature and childish/rude stuff about me on social media, so now he's dead to me. I hate everyone. 

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...