Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week in Review (April 28 - May 4)

Tuesday (22,273 steps) - 45 minutes on the elliptical. Legs are just still angry and tired and sore and running seems to make it worse...  Also did a HIIT video, targeting abs, butt and thighs. I seem to remember it being difficult.

Wednesday (20,503 steps) - Run club with Heather! Legs tired, conversation was good. Got home to my package from Dirty Girl Gaiters - these are AWESOME - and SO me...

Thursday (23,629 steps) - 45 minutes on the elliptical
Friday (16.791 steps) - Pizza Friday!!!
Saturday (34,247 steps) - Run Blossom half marathon.
We met up with some friends for lunch at Fuzzy's Tacos. Fairly uneventful for the rest of the day.
Sunday (24,688 steps) - I am in need of "more cushioned" trail shoes for my upcoming shenanigans. I briefly tried Hokas, but they seem really tall and like they would be too narrow. Earlier in the week I purchased a pair of Altra Olympus for practically free (only $50!) at Running Warehouse. Even though I was pretty sore (??) from my half, A and I went to Big Dry Creek so I could test out the shoes. Initial thoughts - they are definitely more substantial than what I currently wear. They felt "weird" on pavement, but decent on the dirt part. I will have to test out more when I'm feeling better.
After lunch A and I went to see McFarland - what a wonderful movie. I just loved the character of Danny Diaz so much. LOVED THIS MOVIE. In the afternoon L and I did an upper body video and then a 100 rep squat video.
Monday (21,348 steps) - An hour on the elliptical. We hurried home for... BATMAN SOUR'S FIRST BIRTHDAY! It was pretty cute, the kids made him cards and had gotten him some presents. He even got a candle in his kitty food. (I don't have much in my life, don't mock me).

  • 163,479 steps (I upped this since we are doing a "step challenge" at work and I really want to be the winner.
  • 19.9 miles run
  • 150 minutes of cross training
  • 51 minutes of strength/stretching
Everything Else
  • Pretty quiet week here - with the exception of Batman Sour's birthday of course.


  1. I'm still pondering trying Altras, mostly because I have really wide feet, and I'm collecting reviews. Interested to hear your final take.

  2. Altras rock (imho), I love them. Just ordered my second pair. I did not care for the Hokas, they are being shipped back.

  3. I think you meant McFarland...and I LOVED it too!!!!

  4. I think you meant McFarland...and I LOVED it too!!!!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...