Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week in Review (August 26 - September 1)

Tuesday - 6ish mile treadmill run, which I said was "great" according to my Daily Mile.
Wednesday - Midday celebratory pre-wedding lunch with Lisa.
There was also pad thai
Left work early to take Batman Sour to the vet for his last set of shots. Then A and I went to run club, running a mostly easy few miles. Then we did the bucket challenge. Brrr.

Poor quality, took a still from a video
Thursday - Rode a few miles on the bike during lunch. 6.55 mile run on the treadmill after work.
Friday - Pizza. And beer.
Saturday - Bergen Peak half marathon.
Mani/pedi with A and a rehearsal dinner for my friend's upcoming wedding. After the dinner, we made a stop at the Cheesecake Factory since it was only a few blocks away. No pictures of ME, but I dressed up and everything.

Sunday - Breakfast with A at IHOP, can't remember the middle of the day, and Lisa's wedding!

Monday - American Discovery Trail Marathon and celebrating my Dad's 70th birthday with lasagna and a giant chocolate cake.

Weekly Miles Run - 54.24 (wowza)
Minutes of Cross Training - Less than 20. Some time on the bike. That's it.
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - None :(

Weekly Gain - 1.0 (121.6)
  • EatAllTheFood!!!
  • Cheesecake factory, wedding cake/food, lots of beer, pizza two days. Yum. And a pumpkin pie donut - yes, it is just as amazing as it sounds.
Everything Else
  • I've official upgraded to the 50 mile in the Bear Chase. Should be fun. Maybe. Sounds far.


  1. Really missing you guys! What a fun week!

  2. Wonderful pictures thanks for sharing

  3. so jealous of how many half marathons you have around there! Looks like a great week and lots of miles run!

  4. Epic week! And how FUN to get all dressed up with somewhere to go!

    Just had my first pumpkin pie latte of the season this morning so excited.....bring it, Fall!!!

  5. you and A look so pretty in the wedding pic! i'm ready for pumpkin flavored everything-but it's still hot as hell here.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...