Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Last Few Days


Chronological order:
  • Friday after work I took A to a birthday party. It took over a half an hour to get there (between how far away it was and Friday rush hour). A had a lot of fun and I lived up to my promise of not eating crap and snacked on a vegetable platter (mostly peppers).
  • I also selected the winner of my most recent flash giveaway - the winner is Heather!! (let me know what you want):

  • Saturday I got up early and did my long run. A SOLO LONG RUN OUTSIDE. I did 10 miles out and back. Did I mention I was alone?? It was pretty chilly in the morning, low 30's. I kept my jacket on the first 11 miles and still kept my gloves on until I was about 15 miles in. By the time I was done it was the low to mid 50's and felt much warmer. SLOW, but OH so pleased I got this done. 
  • After my run we picked up my mom and went to the Butterfly Pavilion with the kids.

  • Then we tried to drop my mom off at home, only to discover that their neighbor (a Denver Deputy) was dead (still not sure if it was murder or suicide or what). Their entire block was closed for over 4 hours and my car was trapped in their driveway until 8:00 at night.

  • Sunday, I took both kids to yoga at Lululemon, then we went to brunch at Sweet Tomatoes. Yum.
  • That afternoon I had a deep tissue massage. IT HURT SO BAD. The worst areas were my upper back/neck and my right thigh. Two days later and it feels like someone repeatedly beat me with a bat. Ouchie.
  • NINE years ago yesterday (April 15, 2004), I joined the gym for the first time. Then, my goal was to lose weight. I had NO idea my life would turn out like this.
  • It snowed an INSANE amount here yesterday. Isn't it spring?
And my inevitable comments about what happened at the Boston marathon. While I've never dreamed of running, I knew SO many people that WERE running. It is never easy watching something like that pan out. I had been off social media most of the morning and checked in to see how everyone was doing. I was horrified by the posts about bombing and spent the rest of the afternoon getting as much information as possible.

Basically, I don't understand. I don't understand what happens to anyone that would make them want to do that. I am so very sad for everyone that was affected. I'm sad for those that were injured or killed. I'm sad for everyone that trained so hard to run the race and for it to have been ruined. I'm sad for everyone that spent their morning cheering and supporting friends, family and strangers during the marathon. And I'm angry.

However, I just LOVE the running community, and it is awesome to see how everyone is coming together, offering whatever help/support they can.

Today, I'm wearing blue (and will be wearing my 2010 Boston half marathon shirt when I'm off work). Instead of signing up for another race to show my support, I have signed myself and A up to volunteer again. We will be helping out at the ultra marathon "Run for Aurora" - a race where 100% of proceeds of this event go to the Colorado Office for Victims Assistance to benefit the victims of the Aurora Theater Shooting. Now is a perfect time to give back - volunteer if you can. You won't regret it.


  1. I am so excited that you didn't die OR hate running after 20 solo miles. Hooray!! We just might enjoy Eugene.

  2. I think signing up to volunteer at a race is a great way to give back after what happened yesterday.

  3. Great job on the long run. Those are so hard by yourself. I think volunteering is awesome and should find a local race to help out at. Thanks for the inspiration.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...