Wednesday, December 26, 2012

So Christmas Is Over...

I find Christmas to be very stressful and busy, and yet it is not even a holiday that we really celebrate. Mainly, I just enjoy the (much needed) time off from work.

Also, I haven't blogged in forever, so here is a quick recap of... well, whenever it was that I posted last.

I finally got my hair cut and colored. First time in at least a year.

It looks different, I promise
A left for Texas on Saturday morning. I didn't get the full story, but I guess she "got to talk into the microphone at church on Christmas Eve" but she 1). Can't remember what she said and 2). It was not scary.

A (left) with her cousin
I really didn't ask for anything for Christmas, but I did get two things I wanted:

And a gift card for Ink N' Burn, which I used to get my "joga" pants ("Jeans" that are athletic pants). FYI, I lived in these all weekend and they were FANTABULOUS.

Not MY butt, although I imagine I look that fabulous in these
Finalized (most of) our costume for Goofy:

(Rumor has it that capes may or may not be involved). It should be assumed/implied that I am RIDICULOUSLY excited for Disney/Goofy weekend. It is going to be the most fun ever.

  • Frontier has been having the craziest fare sales.
    • Bought airfare for Eugene marathon in April - round trip? $106
    • Bought airfare for Albuquerque half (also in April) - round trip? $46
  • I ran three times over the weekend, and none of them were awful. All of them were run in Brooks Pure Flows. I haven't worn those since my IT band injury, thinking they might have been the cause of my injury. After I determined my injury was likely from lack of training (duh), I decided to give them another chance.
    • After my "confession" post, I have run over 6  miles I think 3 times. It was not the end of the world. However, I cannot seem to figure out HOW I used to run on the treadmill for hours and hours. These runs were pretty boring.
    • It is really really really cold here in Denver. I might try to get one outdoor run in before A gets back. I just hate the cold so very much (12 degrees this morning, brrr).
  • I have only picked out an outfit for ONE day of NY Double... which is next week. I leave on Friday, so really, I need my outfit picked by tomorrow. I *think* I'm supposed to wear a turquoise sparkle skirt one of those days... ?
  • Lululemon has a bunch of crap in there "we made too much" section that I should probably just stop looking at.
  • I know that I have reached my fundraising goal for AFSP/Tinker Bell half. However... our team is still short of its goal, so if you have a few bucks, the donation link is on my side bar, or you can donate here.

And.................. if you have made it this far.................. I am giving away a $15 gift card for Road ID. All you need to do is enter is comment that you would be interested in winning! (The gift card will not cover 100% of a Road ID, but for the basic ones, you will be only paying a couple bucks and shipping). Comment by 11:59 pm MST on January 1, I will announce the winner the next day.


  1. I really would love to have a Road ID. Do You suppose it might give me the motivation to get back into racing? I'm a walking racer, rather than a running racer, but I spend a lot of time on the road and would love to have somebody know who that person is that just "face planted"... Thanks, Becka!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would love a Road ID. Im such a procrastinator!!! Ive been 'meaning' to get one for over a year now!!

  4. I'd love a road ID. People should know who I am!

  5. I would love the Road ID gift card! :-)

    Also, I have a Keurig, too and I love it!

  6. Yes please!

    It was a quiet Xmas for me too although I had 1.5 weeks off work before Xmas and another week after that. Did spend the weekend in Chiangmai (Thailand) and enjoyed the Chiangmai Marathon (did 10.5km + 3km since I'm nursing an injury).

    Wow, looks like your 2013 race calendar is filling up nicely.

  7. I would love a Road ID gift card! I'm glad you're running again. :)

  8. i would love to win and share it with the bf! also- so glad that i will for sure see you in 2013 now! and, can’t wait to see what yall come up with for goofy!

  9. I am not entering the Road ID, because I already own all of the colors ever invented.

    BUT, your hair looks beautiful! And I am ALSO the most excited human EVER for Goofy!

  10. Your hair looks great! I am going to have to check out Frontier. Those are amazing deals! Interested in the road ID. Probably would be a good idea since I run alone most of the time.

  11. Just stumbled across your blog! I will be running in the Allen New Year's Day Double as well! (But just the half, and just on NY Day... I registered way too late and barely got in for that race.) Safe travels and good luck with the back-to-back races! Oh, and I've love a Road ID as well :)

  12. I'd love to win one for my son! We think it would be a good idea to have identification on him for emergencies!

  13. Love the hair do, super cute! Glad to see you are running Eugene too!

  14. Can't wait to hear how the NY Double races went. I wish Frontier flew out of the airports closest to me (its not worth it for me to go to LAX) to get to races.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...