Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Rewind

Can you tell where ultra training started? (Week of Thanksgiving)

Miles Run - A.JILLION. I thought I rocked it last month? This month, with only 29 days, was HUGE for me. I completed 6 runs of 20 miles or longer, for a total of 277.71 miles. That's the equivalent of TWO REALLY GOOD MONTHS for me in normal training.
Races Run - 2 (1 half marathons, 1 marathon)
PR's Set - Zero. But I feel good about the half I ran, and the marathon I ran was only two days after running 20 miles, I treated it as a training run (since I had a 24 and 30 miler to run only 4 days after), and the marathon was super hilly & hard and still only about 7 minutes off a PR. Not bad at all.
Minutes of Plank - 96

What's on the agenda for March? Well, I ran my last "long" run today (March 1) of 25 miles. I am officially in three weeks of "taper" for my 100 Miler. What does a taper look like for a race like that? I only have two double digit runs left. One is RnR NoLA this weekend, the other is a hilly, sorta local half I'll run next weekend. Other than that, I have only SEVEN runs left, and they are all 6 miles or less. So less than TEN runs before I will be toeing the line at a race that I can only imagine will be the scariest event of my life.


  1. You're amazing! You inspire me every time I visit your blog.

  2. Enjoy RnR Nola. There's not a hill to be seen.

  3. You are doing awesome. You are gonna rock that race. Best of luck!

  4. Awesome lots of planks!

  5. Oh Em Gee its so close!

    First off- I have to make an effort to get over 100 miles, so good job!

    2nd- good luck this weekend. I had such much fun in NOLA last year, you'll love it.

    3rd- you're going to have to break down your recap into more than 1 blog post... 100 miles, just remembering everything would be hard. such a blur

  6. Awesome job!!!

    You will have a blast at NOLA. Good luck!

  7. Wow, AMAZING! Good luck in New Orleans!

  8. 6 miles must feel like a warm up for you :) Good luck with weekend !!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...