Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Week in Review (October 8 - October 14)

Tuesday (11,311 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch. I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything amazing on the StairMaster since my feet are still messed up, but I still climbed the Taj Mahal. 

Did a 20 minute ride on the Peloton and read my book and a stretching video. Took Olive for a walk when I got home. "Only Murders in the Building."
Wednesday (11,166 steps) - Walked Olive before going to work and again when I got home. We finally decided to check out the new to Arvada brewery "Stay Tuned" - located by the former "Elvis" cheap movie theater. A cute spot and we were able to score the couch. Beer wasn't great, but they allow dogs inside, so it might be a good back up place in cold/bad weather.
Dinner on the patio at Parry's since we had Olive with us.
I imagine we were still watching Halloween movies, but not sure which one we watched since we didn't do this in order at all.
Thursday (12,193 steps) - Work from home. Did a quick Peloton ride before taking Ariel to coffee.
Dutch did a great job of decorating their lobby!
Took Olive for a walk at lunch.
And because I haven't been 100%  great about getting in my weights and cross training, I decided I was going to do a program on Peloton. The first one I tried the instructor spoke German so it wasn't going to be sustainable going forward (yes, I know I took German in college for years, but when I'm trying to do core exercises it is tough to translate and/or read subtitles). I then picked another program that will last four weeks and is full body, so I did the first day of videos for that also. Took Olive for a walk and had to get a picture of the neighbor's house down the street - he has really upped the Halloween decor this year!
Did some driving while Ben was at the mall getting a new phone, and then we met up at Torchy's for dinner. Disappointing evening because a). they didn't have any CO2, so no on tap beer, AND we weren't able to see the Northern Lights :(
closest I got, but lots of light pollution
We walked to the lake when we got home to see if we could see anything without all the lights, but no go.

Friday (10,881 steps) - Took Olive for a bit of a longer walk before going to work.  Went to the gym at lunch. Went to Noses and then dinner at home. Ariel was coming home for the weekend and she showed up (briefly) while we were watching a movie.
Saturday (14,422 steps) - Didn't get up early. Got "distracted" and did a lot of cleaning and organizing that we had been putting off for ages. We had plans to go for a run at South Table. We stopped to have a quick beer (but mostly so I could use the bathroom since there are none at the parking lot). 
The run was fine, but a little warm. We definitely should have started earlier. 

We went to 4 Noses and came home relatively early to spend some time with Ariel. Another Halloween movie, probably the last one we hadn't seen?
Sunday (16,982 steps) - Got up early to go for our run since we needed to get Ariel back to school. We took my car to Boulder and shockingly got a spot in a lot. The run was actually much better than expected and there weren't "too" many bikes. Cooler temps were lovely!

Stopped at Bluegrass on the way home to have a breakfast sandwich. Quick shower and then we stopped at Dutch Bros. on the way back to Golden.
Olive still needed a walk, so we parked downtown and walked along the river. 
Took Olive home and then went to Alamo to use our rainchecks for "Joker Folie a Deux" - which sadly, was terrible. At least we didn't pay for the movie? We did spend a lot of money on food and beer, though. Since we had gone to a matinee we still had time to watch a movie. Started the Friday the 13th series, which we will watch in order this time.
Monday (17,392 steps) - Work from home. Went for my run relatively early since I had lawn people scheduled and my time window was basically my entire lunch hour.
Most of the run was fine. When I got back I grabbed Olive and we went for a short walk. Got back home just in time for the lawn people to show up and do the aeration. In the afternoon I got my strength video done. Had home to do some driving after work but I didn't get any good offers. Met Ben at Parry's for Outer Range "tap takeover," but the beer options were junk. We still had dinner and then went home. Got done with Friday the 13th II and III. Hard to believe these cheesy 80's horror movies ever scared anyone. 

  • 94,347 steps
  • 14.57 miles run
  • 13.67 miles walked
  • 40 minutes of cardio
  • 110 minutes of strength

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