Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Week in Review (July 13 - July 19)

Tuesday (24,815 steps) - Worked from home for a bit before dropping A off at her trail run, then headed into Louisville because I was supposed to get blood work done. Even though I had an appointment, they turned me away because I didn't have the right paperwork, so that was REALLY annoying. I had 8 miles on schedule and planned on going to Lair o' the Bear since I hadn't been there for a while. I had really hoped to have a day off after my five day endurance block, but no... Really not much to say about this one. I didn't feel great and I "intentionally" hiked all the climbs. There were a MILLION bikes out, especially on my way down, so that wasn't the best.

I made it down a little later than I had planned. It looked like it had rained while I was out, so that cooled things down a bit. On my way home I stopped at the liquor store (for the first time in probably years - seriously, Ben always goes) and picked up a new random beer for the evening.
Wednesday (21,205 steps) - Work in the office. Walk in the morning, then Nicole and I did a core and upper body workout at lunch. Yet again, still had miles on schedule, so Tyler and I made plans to go to Eldorado. Ben got off work early so I invited him to join. On the drive there Ben started messaging me asking what our plan was if it rained... After getting off the highway it was raining pretty hard, but I looked at the radar and it wasn't supposed to last. By the time I got my shoes on and used the bathroom it had basically stopped. Ben had brought Pika, and I wasn't running any of the climbs, so it was a bit slow going, but at least it wasn't crazy hot.

Overall, it was a decent run. The rain had cooled things down enough that I actually had to use my seat warmers on the drive home. Crazy.
Thursday (23,570 steps) - Work from home. I had a new appointment to get blood work done (at a closer location, even) and that went much smoother. I took an early lunch to get my run done - THE END OF THE ENDURANCE BLOCK WAS FINALLY HERE... I opted to just run the south side of the lake to get it done early. The run itself was ok, although I got bitten by some horse flies (haven't had that happen in a few summers), which wasn't fun. Glad to have this done. 

I was only a few feet from this hawk - he had no interest in people at all!
Took Pika for a walk after that. When I got off work, Ariel and I took Pika and headed into Golden for the grand opening of the new Runners Roost location. We did a walk while the rest of the group ran and briefly stuck around for the BBQ, although I knew Ben had made dinner, so we didn't stay long.
Friday (14,188 steps) - Up early to meet the gang at Wash Park! Work in the office, walk in the morning and gym with Nicole at lunch (core and upper body). No recollection of the rest of the day/evening.
Saturday (9,771 steps) - Slept in. Actually slept in. Until almost 10 am!! I only had a short shake out run on schedule, and even though I knew it would be hotter later in the day, I didn't care. I miss sleep! I did my 20 minutes and then took Ariel to meet up with her track team. They had plans to hike a 14er and were going to camp near the start. Other than that... nothing much happened. Watched TV, and went to a new to me brewery. 
In bed early since I haven't been sleeping well.
Sunday (31,453 steps) - Black Hawk half marathon. 
I gave Maureen a ride back to her car (she had parked at the carpool lot in Golden), and we met up at Green Mountain Brewery after she picked up Colfax. Thankfully, we got a table in the shade, it's been SO HOT in Denver. Headed home and took a nap since I knew I had a bit of time until I needed to pick up Ariel. Burgers for dinner and Dexter marathon.
Monday (10,253 steps) - Work from home. Nothing exciting at all, just happy to have a rest day. Black Hawk took a lot out of me! Walk with Pika at lunch and then another quick walk after work. Wings for dinner and another Dexter marathon.

  • 135,255 steps
  • 35.03 miles run
  • 15 minutes of cardio
  • 50 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...