Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week in Review (November 12 - November 18)

Tuesday (17,809 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Milk Market run club! I guess I technically felt better than last week, and managed to run the whole thing without any walk breaks, but pace was pretty slow. Ran with Paula, Annette & Lisa - which is always fun. Dinner was salad and potato salad.
Home fairly early and we were hoping to watch Mean Girls, but apparently I don't actually own that movie? Instead, we watched Heathers. I remember it being one of my favorite movies as a teen, but probably not the most appropriate movie to watch? Weird that I didn't remember how crude and dark it is!
Wednesday (18,211 steps) - Slept horrible. I don't know it it was the full moon or the wind, but the petting zoo (Pika & Batman) were super weird and fidgety and loud and I must have woken up 400 times during the night. Blah. Core class during lunch.
Runners Roost Boulder! A decided to stay home to finish homework, and for the first time Ben got to join. He was hoping to run the full trail course, so he headed out with the group and I met up at the trail head. Thankfully it was WAY less muddy than last week. Pika was pulling uncontrollably on the leash - probably because she knew Ben was in front of us.
Near the top of the last switchback Ben was waiting for us because his calf was hurting a bit. Once we were all together Pika ran much better. Weird route, where we went up the "ant hill" - so got quite a bit of vert in this run. Chili potluck at the store before heading home.
Thursday (13,333 steps) - A's 14th birthday!!
We rode with Tyler to Kokopelli and met up with Doug (and eventually Kristin) for pizza and beer (it actually was A's choice, there's a breakfast pizza she really likes). Her gifts of a Dunder Mifflen hoodie from me and an R1 Techface from Ben were a huge hit. Doug also made the most delicious and decadent chocolate cake ever. Yum.

Friday (10,553 steps) - Core class during lunch. A invited Rachelle over and we had plans to see Zombieland Double Tap. That is until we realized that Rachelle had not seen the first one. Ben and I went to Torchy's to pick up dinner and while the girls watched that, we started Ozark (have you seen this? It's bizarre).
Saturday (23,479 steps) - Kristin picked me and Tyler up to head to Aurora for Runners Edge. I super don't like this route and have never had a good run there, so I was pleasantly surprised when my 8 miles were not horrible.
Home to shower and then head to Olde Town. I pre-bought tickets for the movie, and then we went to Denver Beer (actually we went for Mighty Burgers, but the beer was nice too). Then we went to the movie (and the theater has actually been remodeled since I was there last) and it was SUPER funny. If you at all liked the first one, the sequel did not disappoint.
Hmmm... three nearly identical pairs of Vans and one pair of flip flops...
No real recollection of how the rest of the evening was spent, other than playing with Tyler's new puppy, Koda!
Sunday (14,763 steps) - "Slept in." The girls made breakfast (and a big mess) and Ben and I took Pika for a long walk by the lake. I finally got around to doing most of my packing. The girls wanted to play Monopoly, so Ben and I made a stop at Resolute and then the grocery store so we could make tacos again. Jack Ryan and Walking/Talking Dead.
Monday (10,154 steps) - Nothing?

  • 108,302 steps
  • 15.3 miles run
  • Three gym classes

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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...