Thursday, September 26, 2019

Week in Review (September 10 - September 17)

Tuesday (16,109 steps) - Worked all day. Took my last pre-race class at the gym (skipped total body strength in favor of core). With Ben at home, I skipped Milk Market and headed home for last minute packing.
omg so much stuff
Wednesday (13,814 steps) - Nicole offered to take me and Ben out to lunch. We hit up Tupelo Honey near Union Station. Delicious!
While I had to go back to work, Ben drove to Runners Roost in Denver to pick up my new watch that I'd ordered. I managed to sneak out of work a bit early so I could do some last minute packing and get A over to Abby's house, where she would be spending the week. We hit some rain/hail on the drive to the airport and got stuck in some nasty traffic. Hit up Dry Dock for a few beers before heading to the airport.
We made it with plenty of time and got seats next to each other. Tried to rest, but that obviously never works. Arrived in Reno on time, and then only had to wait a few minutes for bags and the shuttle to the Atlantis resort. I kinda wish we had more time here, it was fun having a "night" where we didn't have anything to do. Checked in to the room and then opted to wander around the casino for about an hour. I haven't gambled in years, and the hour it took to lose about $30 didn't encourage me to start again any time soon.
Thursday (9,685 steps) - Slept amazing!!! Seriously the most comfortable hotel bed EVER. Sadly, we had to pay out of pocket for breakfast, but man, was it the greatest breakfast ever!

I'm a grown up so I can have cake for breakfast!
We went to a buffet and got to sample a little bit of everything. Amazingly, neither of us ate too much. Hurried back to the room to grab our stuff and head back on the shuttle to the airport.
All of the luggage in the world
We met Lisa by Thrifty, and picked up the Jeep that I rented. I drove into Tahoe, and what a beautiful drive! We arrived with enough time to check in with medical, take pre-race pictures and attend the mandatory meeting.

Wait. I'm going to be running in those mountains across the lake? Wut.
We stopped to get food and drinks at a cute restaurant/cafe.
We headed to the AirBnB that I had rented. It was super cute! (I guess the only pic I actually took was my view from the patio...)
I spent a bit of time redoing my drop bags - since we decided I would drop them off in the morning (since apparently, bears and other wildlife have been known to mess with bags??) Picked up a bunch of beer & groceries and then had pizza for dinner. Once I felt like I was as organized as I was ever going to be, I headed to bed sometime around 8-8:30.
Friday (91,830 steps) - Sadly, I did not wake up super refreshed. I'd had a difficult time falling asleep. Ugh. Took a shower, braided my hair, got dressed and then got the rest of my gear ready. Had a bagel & cream cheese and coffee before heading out. We got about a half mile away before we realized that none of us had actually grabbed my drop bags. Oh lord. For the rest of the story, keep reading my recap here.
Saturday (120,854 steps) - More Tahoe 200
Sunday (94,758 steps) - Even more Tahoe 200
Monday (91,046 steps) - Tahoe 200, the race that may never end

  • 438,096 steps
  • Probably about 185 miles run
  • 1 gym class

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...