Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Week in Review (June 19 - June 25)

Tuesday (13,680 steps) - Barre Express with Gabi. Hadn't planned on running, but then Ang asked if we were going to Sloan's, so we ended up heading over. We started early in hopes of catching up with her, but we never crossed paths. The sky looked pretty sketchy, and we did get rained on a bit, but nothing terrible. While we were waiting for everyone else to get back it started hailing. Thankfully, we were parked in the garage.
It was way more dramatic than it looks in this pic
Wednesday (23,335 steps) - Runners Roost Boulder!
With all the storms that we have had we had to do a weird route that kept us off the single track. I wasn't the VERY last on some of the climbs and had a decently strong back half. After this run they are going to start separating out the slow/fast runners - I think that will ease my stress a bit on these runs as I'm very obviously one of the (if not THE) slowest people here.
Thursday (14,789 steps) - Met up with some people in Berkeley for the Summer Solstice water balloon/gun fight (and also got in a 3.5ish mile run).
A TON of fun, and the gal who was buying some of my declutter stuff met us there, so I even made some money (*which, as a side note, I'll need to use to fix A's iPad - her screen cracked in a freak accident earlier). Womp.
Friday (11,622 steps) - Barre with Kelly. On my way to the studio, I dropped A off at Lisa's house. She was taking the day off work to go hiking, and A got to go with her. While I had to work. Stupid adulting.
Picture of other people hiking...
We hung out with Lisa until about 6, before we left to drop off A's iPad to get fixed.
Saturday (37,011 steps) - We had a chance to run a race for only $20, but it was way down in Castle Rock, so I opted to just run in my next of the woods. I had 14 on schedule (my longest run since mid-May), and thankfully, Kristin said she would join me for 10 of those. I ran a few miles before picking Kristin up, and we magically created a route that was exactly the mileage needed.
I had just enough time to shower before we headed to the Rockies game. We had tickets through my work, which included lunch and $20 per person for snacks/drinks during the game. It was SO hot, but we stayed the whole game. It was a lot of fun!
First 15,000 fans got a cool commemorative jersey!
On the way back to the car we picked up cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory and I grabbed a burger and sweet potato fries from Smashburger (I haven't been there in ages). Bed EARLY.
Sunday (22,981 steps) - Team run! Unfortunately, it was way down in Aurora. Thankfully, Othman was also planning on 10, so we (along with Alex & Stella), ran 10 into the park.

I should have taken pictures on the trail, it was actually really pretty! I seem to only run out there when everything is brown. After the run we took Maureen out for food/drinks for her birthday at Dads and Dudes. Got caught in a nasty rain storm on the way home. A had a Scout meeting. I did (nothing?) except a few Fitness Blender videos (wow, I haven't done those in ages). We had Tokyo Joe's for dinner, and early to bed again.
Monday (16,332 steps) - New Terrain run club! Lisa joined us (I haven't run with her since last summer) - so that was nice. We stayed after long enough for a drink, but left early so we could eat dinner at a "reasonable" hour.


  • 139,750 steps
  • 42.7 miles run
  • 2 barre classes & 20 minutes of videos

Friday, June 22, 2018

Father's Day Half Marathon (Race Recap)

Sunday, June 17
Half marathon #181
Weather - Overcast, humid(ish)

The only reason this race was even on my radar was the constant bombardment of emails with special pricing. (Oh, and the fact that it was on a Sunday instead of a Saturday). A did not want to run the half, but was in for the 10 mile. I registered BOTH of us for about $60 a few months ago.

I was not looking forward to the late start of 8:00, as it had been a hot few weeks in Denver. Luckily, we woke up to cooler temperatures and clouds. We left the house before 7, and managed to find street parking basically in front of the start line around 7:10. Picking up our bibs took just a few minutes. And then we had about 45 minutes until our start. Used the bathroom, then looked at the course maps that were affixed to the wall. Maps for all distances. EXCEPT the 10 miler. I looked on website. Nothing. Ok, well hopefully it was going to be marked well since A and I were not running the same distance.

Around 7:30 we met up with Molly and chatted for a few minutes, until she saw how long the line was to get her bib and she jumped in line. About 10 minutes until the start and the race director makes an announcement that the start will be delayed until everyone gets their bib. WHEN WILL THAT BE? TOMORROW? Molly is still in line, and in fact, has barely even moved up. At about 8:05, there is another announcement that they will attempt to do staggered starts - so the people that already have their bibs can run, then after everyone else gets theirs, there will be a second start. Oh, and there is a 1M, 5K, 10K, 10M and half marathon, all running at the same time? But now with two starts?

According to my watch, our "wave" started at 8:12 (after announcements no one could hear because the race director wasn't actually facing us, nor was he using a microphone at this point). OK, again, hopefully we won't get lost.

As Molly ran by she said, "this is the first time I have been told I didn't need a bib to run!" And sure enough, she wasn't wearing a bib.

Once we started moving, the initial issues were people running with dogs on the narrow path (on leashes way too long) and a few people with double strollers. It's been a LONG time since I've run a small road race.

Initially, I was pretty impressed with the signage. All the crazy turns seemed to be marked very well, with clear directions of what distances needed to go what direction - yes, even the 10M that seemed to mysteriously be excluded from all the course maps.

Mile one clicked by and I was concerned that I had a sub 11 pace. That can't be good. No good has been coming of me running a "fast" first mile. I promised myself to rein it in and not try to keep up with other folks. Hit the first aid station and slammed a bit of water. It was still overcast and fairly cool, but I knew the clouds would not last forever and I didn't want to be catching up on hydration later.

Why so serious?
I was not at all sad to see two of the dogs-on-too-long-leashes turn off for the 5K. The rest of us headed to the east of the park. I saw A on one of the out-and-back sections, and it seemed liked she was a little over a half mile ahead of me. Not too shabby for ME, and I felt good about the fact that she might not be running too fast (and then subsequently bonking). I ran extremely strong the first 5 miles, without taking any walk breaks. I took a short break walking up a short hill, and was pretty pleased that I ran the longest section of it - where I saw A on yet ANOTHER out and back section, she was about .75 ahead of me now - which means her pace had slowed a tad. Took another short walk break between mile 6 & 7 because I could NOT open my package of Honey Stingers :(

The first half of the race all the mile markers were right on the money. Mile 7 was the first to be off, although it was negligible, maybe .1. As I was heading into a loop / out-and-back I saw A (again) and mile 8 came a half mile too soon. I would be off by that much the rest of the race. (These pics are coming into mile 9. A would head into the finish, I'd have an out and back to do to get to "HM" distance).

Until about mile 9 or 10 I was still running really strong, taking minimal walk breaks. About mile 10.5-11 was when the sun finally came out and I was really having a hard time. I took walk breaks but tried to keep them short.

As we were heading towards the finish line I caught up to a guy at the Mile "12" marker and asked him if he was also measuring a half  mile short, and he was. I even took a few walk breaks the last half mile, and passed two more people. I heard one of them on my heels, and was pleased that I had enough left to out sprint him into the finish.

My friend Chewey gave me my medal. I saw A and I went to lie down for a minute. I was BEAT and just needed to rest (and get some water).

On top of everything else, there were no results and no awards happening. (As I write this, 5 days later, there are still no official results. We were sent an email that had places for AG's, but I was listed in the wrong AG, and there were no times. When I emailed the RD, I got this response "I will go in and check your time and email it back to you and change your age group. Not everyone had a chip so I just didn't want to post some times. Does this mean no official results ever? Based on names, I FB'd people and I think I still would be 3rd in my current AG based on the FREE race pics that were emailed).

Garmin time - 2:12:09
Garmin distance - 12.61
Garmin pace - 10:29 ** YAY!! This is pretty much the fastest overall pace I've had in ages
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:27
Mile 3 - 10:05
Mile 4 - 10:24
Mile 5 - 10:19
Mile 6 - 10:43
Mile 7 - 10:45
Mile 8 - 10:06
Mile 9 - 10:37
Mile 10 - 10:35
Mile 11 - 10:36
Mile 12 - 10:41
Mile "13" - 10:15

  • Shirt was cute, but we didn't take it. It was light blue and looked to be cotton, but seemed like they were gender specific.
  • Medals for all distances, but I heard they ran out towards the end. I'm glad I got mine.
  • The price tag was right - the half was about $32, and that's tough to beat.
  • With THAT said, as soon as I finished I looked at the map again and could see where the course either was not marked correctly or someone had put the wrong sign out. The course was way too complicated to memorize, so I couldn't have known where it was wrong at the time (if that makes sense). This series holds I *think* 6-8 races at this venue every year, so having this complicated of a course without signage and/or people at the turns is a bit mystifying.
  • The late start was unacceptable. I don't know WHY it was taking so long to hand out bibs, but they only had one volunteer/computer and it took her FOREVER to get stuff handed out.
  • The results/timing was a complete cluster. This organization is NOT new to racing. They put on a dozen races a year. Will be interested to see how they handle this.
  • Post-race food was BBQ sandwiches, which were pretty tasty.
  • Would I run this one again? No. Others in this series? Probably not. 

Week in Review (June 12 - June 18)

Tuesday (12,789 steps) - Barre Express with Gabi. Outside of running, have been reading a book I picked up at the library when I dropped off my ballot. Yay for being inspired to get rid of STUFF.
Wednesday (20,367 steps) - Runners Roost Boulder!
New-to-me route. It was stupid hot (like 90 degrees when we started), I had the tight calves again, and I just overall struggled. A was also going a little slower than normal because she said her knees were hurting a bit on the downhills (after her fall on Monday).

Photo cred: Todd Straka
Photo cred: Todd Straka
Went to Under the Sun after for a drink.
Thursday (16,710 steps) - Runners Roost Lakewood! A and I coordinated with Ang and Maureen to wear our unicorn skirts for Pride Day/Month.
Thankfully we had some relief from the heat with cloud-cover and even a handful of raindrops. After I worked out the tight calves I had a fairly decent run, followed by rainbow cake! After we got home we tackled more decluttering. I can't wait until this is done forever! (We have actually done a really great job with not buying things we don't need and accumulating clutter. It helps immensely that we don't shop, other than for groceries).
Friday (11,247 steps) - Barre with Gabi. More decluttering (finally). Had lost momentum, but we got rid of another carload of stuff (ugh, it's pretty sick how much crap we have that were a complete waste of money).
Saturday (30,704 steps) - Summer session kick off with Runners Edge! I had 20 miles on schedule, but obviously that wasn't going to happen. The longest I'd run since getting back from Europe was 10 miles. Optimistically, I thought that I could maybe do 16.
Once we started, I talked myself into doing 12. The run itself wasn't too bad, although I tired the early miles. We were set up on a 10 mile loop, and then I ran my old run club route for another 2 miles. After we picked up our aid station we headed home to shower before driving to LoDo to meet up with everyone at Linger for Lisa's engagement party. It was a long day of eating and drinking, we didn't get home for dinner until after 9 (I think).
Sunday (28,028 steps) - Father's Day half marathon (recap separate).
We had nothing else to do the rest of the day. However, part of the afternoon was spent disassembling the Keurig because it wasn't working (AGAIN). Pretty impressed I was able to take it apart and put it back together.
Also, we watched a decent amount of TV, then we had Tokyo Joe's BOGO and were in bed by sunset (really).
Monday (16,645 steps) - New Terrain run club! Another night where I felt like crap, my calves were hot and tight. I had decided to demo the Altras even though I have never liked a pair I tried. I did not like them again (shocker). The pace was actually not as bad as I thought, but I was not happy during this one, I was the slowest by far.

Wore my Desert RATS shirt to "celebrate" race week. Thankfully, MUCH cooler here in eastern Colorado 
Stuck around for a beer, then headed home in dinner. Thankfully we missed the most recent hail storm, I would be so mad to have another car damaged.

  • 136,490 steps
  • 40.7 miles run
  • 2 barre classes

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Week in Review (June 5 -June 11)

Tuesday (16,136 steps) - Barre Express with Gabi. I've decided that at least one of my barre classes a week will be express. Same workout, but 20 minutes shorter. I can sleep a little later and still get in a workout. I don't know if that means I'm getting tired of the classes (I've been taking them for 2 years now), or if I'm just liking the faster pace of class? Sloan's Lake Tap & Burger run club! I was blah, and ran a solo loop. Just one. I was hot and tired. Pasta and then home.
Wednesday (20,484 steps) - Runners Roost Boulder run club!
Another challenging run this week, and hot AGAIN. Struggled with this one, was really happy to be done. Beer, pizza, and then a trip to Southern Sun after.
Thursday (17,446 steps) - Ran at Berkeley Park so that we could go to Lakeside after. It was so much fun!!!

Friday (11,385 steps) - Barre with Gabi.
Saturday (25,953 steps) - Up at 3:45 to go hiking! We got to Lisa's house just after 4:30 and drove up to Buena Vista/Leadville for our first hike/14er of the year. Lisa had picked Mt. Belford, mainly because the trail head would be accessible for her car (not a surprise that many of the 14ers require a high clearance vehicle, which neither of us has). This was one of the toughest ones we have climbed to date. Over 4500' of climbing, and not THAT long comparatively. For some reason both of us thought it was 3.5 miles each way, turns out it was almost 4.5. I think this was the best marked of any of the ones we have climbed, there were a lot of switchbacks (instead of just going straight up), and not a lot of scree.

A marmot!

It wasn't too cold and windy at the summit, so we had lunch/beer at the top (around 12:30, before coming down.

I think this was my favorite picture of the day - taken on the way down after leaving the switchbacks

We had expected the whole hike to take about 6 hours, imagine our surprise when it was closer to 8. When we realized Buena Vista was the opposite direction of home we decided to eat in Leadville at the brewery. Food selections were pretty dismal, but the beer was good.
Made a wrong turn on the way home, taking us out towards Minturn/Vail instead of Cooper Mountain, adding at least a half hour. We also had a scare with Lucky, who seemed to be struggling - so it was a stressful drive home. After we got our car, we stopped for FroYo, then in bed super early. What a long day!!
Sunday (28,985 steps) - The "best" part about training for your "A" race in the summer? Not having to get up early. I managed to sleep until 8:30, had a quick breakfast, then went out for my 10 mile run at the ungodly hour of 9:45. It was hot, but I've learned that once you're already hot, it really doesn't get "hotter" - (as long as you aren't starting in like 50 and ending up at 90. Start at 85 and 90 isn't that much different).
Hey, goats again!!

Pace was better than expected, and I got done with enough time to shower before going to Bear Creek for the trail running festival. Had a great time chatting with vendors (mainly the Brandons from Hoka) and having a burger/beer before we had to head out.
Yes, this was the only picture I took at the festival (and it's even my cooler!)
Next, we were going to Boulder to volunteer at Ironman, like we have every year since 2011. We were at the info tent with Jeannene again, and our volunteering was pretty limited, but we had a great time spectating! Headed home after 4 hours around 8:30. Long day (again).
Only picture (and I actually took it at home) - the backpack A got for being a super volunteer
Monday (18.093 steps) - New Terrain run club! Another hot day, and my legs were SO TIRED. I really felt incredibly out of shape on this one (more than usual, A wouldn't even stick with me on the climbs).
I'm in the back because I barely got there in time for the picture... can you spot my head? lol
Sean & A on the summit (I'm in the bottom right if you look hard enough!)

Once we were back at the brewery, I saw that A had taken her first fall of the season (I had warned her that she needed to move on to her newer trail shoes!) Stuck around for a drink and to clean up A's wounds before going home.
Phil & A
Battle wounds!
  • 138,482 steps
  • 26.8 miles run
  • 2 barre classes and one 8.7 mile hike!

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...