Thursday, February 23, 2017

Freeze Your Cookies Off #3 (Race Recap)

Monday, February 20
Denver, CO
Half Marathon #161
Weather - Sunny and warm

When we were trying to schedule the final installment of FYCO, we were having a tough time finding a third date that worked for the organizers AND fell within the cookie sale dates. We chose President's Day, thinking that we may have a fairly decent turnout with people who had the day off. It ended up being our smallest race of the series, with only 14 runners completing the full distance. We decided to start the race at 10, and when I saw the forecast I was pretty pleased with that decision. The weather cooperated for a third time and we had sun and warm weather. Daniel, the timer, and Bill were not able to attend the event at all, so Stacy offered to run early so that she could do timing and assist A while I ran.

I had mentioned to A a half dozen times, "how on earth am I even going to be able to run?" I was so sore from Moab that I was thinking I was going to be the last one across the line because I was going to need to walk so much. 

A and I arrived at the start around 9:15, with Stacy already set up. We unloaded the cookies and started checking in the runners. Used the bathroom once with about 10 minutes until the start. Heather decided that she would run with me, even though I warned her I was hurting and planned on LOTS of walking.

We started right at 10 and headed out on the Highline Canal. I gotta say, after running this section three times in as many weeks, I will likely NOT rush out to run there any time soon.Sure enough, I had to walk pretty early on. My legs were so tight and sore and fatigued. The first two miles were definitely the most horrible. 

Such a clear day and what blue skies we had!
We were the very last runners on the course until we passed Yuly about a half mile before the turnaround. One of the runners who had done the early start with Stacy had offered to volunteer at the turnaround, which was SO appreciated, especially since I had completely drained my handheld. 
Can you believe this picture has no filter??
THANKFULLY, although we were moving slow, I felt a lot better on the way back and did not have to take as many walk breaks. 

Our friend and teammate, Nikki, came out on the course and got a few pictures from us a few minutes from the finish line. I feel like we look happier than we feel?
 A got a good picture of us running into the finish.
Other than a woman who started late and one of our friends that was running 16, we were the last ones done. It was so much warmer than I had planned on and of course I was still really tired after Moab. Black was also not the best choice for a shirt color.

Garmin time - 2:48:42
Garmin distance - 13.35 miles
Mile 1- 11:57
Mile 2 - 12:47
Mile 3 - 14:13
Mile 4 - 12:36
Mile 5 - 11:50
Mile 6 - 12:12
Mile 7 - 15:33
Mile 8 - 13:29
Mile 9 - 12:13
Mile 10 - 13:01
Mile 11 - 11:50
Mile 12 - 11:37
Mile 13 - 11:44
Mile 13.35 - 10:31

We sat around waiting for everyone to come in - HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LIKE TO SIT??? I didn't take my race medal or series award (a pink unicorn!) because they had to go to the other runners first
When you know the race director, you have to take a selfie together
  • It's not the best idea to "race" a half marathon so soon after a challenging trail race. This hurt. A lot.
  • Organizing a race, even a small "grassroots" race is a LOT of work. We still have to have a meeting to tie up all the loose ends and get our checks written for the various charities that we are donating to. 
  • The running community is really the greatest. There were so many people that ran, volunteered, shared our event... it really helped make everything a success. Maybe we will do this again next year - on a MUCH smaller scale.

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