Tuesday (16,223 steps) - Managed to drag myself out of bed for a few miles. And boy, was I glad I did. It was an absolutely incredibly sunrise this morning. I took way more pictures than I expected, which was a nice way to break up a run. (No filters used on ANY of the following pictures).
Barre Fuzed during lunch. It was an interesting class because Amy, Jen and Amanda were all there - wondering if they just wanted to see what the class was like, or if they are wanted to get certified in that as well.
After work, picked up A from soccer, went to the library to read/study, then A had gymnastics. LONG DAY for both of us. Dinner, homework, showers and some TV. And a "birthday party" for Robin. Happy one year of living with us, you lucky cat!
Wednesday (21,077 steps) - Slept in. Both of us were exhausted. A had to take another shower because it's picture day! After work/school, we rushed over to Bear Creek for the third Lakewood Trail Series event! I opted for the shorter distance (4.5 miles), because the longer was 7, and that seemed like a lot of miles with a weekend of back to back half marathons (and the fact that the sun is setting earlier and it was a school night).
I started in the back, and pretty much ended in the back. We started at Mountain View this time instead of Pelican Point, and for the most part, it was on single track and not as hilly (well, mainly because we didn't go up Mt. Carbon), so I ran a bit faster. Mile 2 was a struggled with tight calves and dead legs.
I finished in 54:56, about mid pack (7/12 female). Hurrah! . I apparently won a raffle prize (a $10 gift certificate to a local nursery), and we left right after the race because we needed to stop at the store and A still had homework. Fun night!
Thursday (15,661 steps) - Up early for a 6 am barre class with Meredith! I *almost* cancelled in favor of going to one of the evening ones (they were doing post-barre pumpkin beers and mini facials for the first day of fall), but I didn't. Work was super busy and I barely got out in time to pick A up from soccer. We both decided we were too tired to go to run club, so we went home for homework, laundry, dinner and a relaxing evening of TV.
Friday (14,084 steps) - Oh, glorious rest day! Slammed at work again with trial preparation. I wasn't able to take a lunch, but that just meant leaving early so I could pick up our packets for Bear Chase! Headed over to A's scouting event. Had some food (fried chicken and bread?) and helped out with some of the games the girls had set up. Oh, and got to meet some firemen
Saturday (35,765 steps) -
Snow Mountain Ranch Trail half marathon.
A slept almost the entire way home (lucky). We had about an hour and a half before we needed to leave to volunteer. Showered, watched an episode of Fear the Walking Dead, and made/ate grilled cheese sandwiches. Arrived at Cattail Creek aid station at 3:40. We would be working the late shift with Pete. It was kind of overcast and INCREDIBLY windy.
One of the first people that I saw come in was the guy who had asked me out last fall and then blew me off. That was awkward. There were not a ton of people on the course, and it was cold and windy when the sun set. The last runner came through before 8 pm.
Cleaned up the aid station and then headed to the finish for some food and beer, and to watch the last people finish. Super happy to see friend/teammate Kate finish her first 100k!
Sunday (35,610 steps) - Bear Chase Trail half marathon (and 10k for A).
We spent some time at the finish doing jello shots with Jen for her birthday, drinking beer and chatting with people. We were some of the last people there (not really a surprise to anyone). A invited Heather to go to lunch with us, so we went to the Morrison Inn and got some super nachos and watched the first half of the Broncos game. We texted Maureen to see if she was up for visitors, and headed over during half time. Spent the afternoon drinking "mimosas" and watching football. I took Colfax out for a few short walks, since Maureen is still pretty limited in mobility. Fun afternoon!
A testing out Mo's walker |
Stopped at Target on the way home to pick up some groceries, and then showered when I got home. Crashed on the couch for a few hours, watched some Snapped and the season premiere of Quantico, and in bed at 10. LONG (yet the shortest ever) WEEKEND.
Monday (10,333 steps) - It was really hard to drag myself out of bed. Drank way too much over the course of the weekend and I really felt like shit. My body was pretty sore as well. Getting harder and harder to run back-to-back events.
- 148,753 steps
- 32.5 miles run
- 2 barre classes
- Current weight - 125.2. Not unexpected. It seems that at least once a month I completely lose control over myself. Ate nothing but aid station food on Saturday night, and then Sunday was drinking and going out to eat. Monday a buffet. Need I say more?
Everything Else:
- Hmm. Nothing I guess. Going through one of those phases where I'm "ok" and yet sorta depressed at the same time. I guess it is just the cold weather?