Friday, April 15, 2016

Week in Review (April 5 - April 11)

Tuesday (18,075 steps) - Very short 2ish mile run in the morning. Didn't have a ton of time since A goes to school early for student council on Tuesdays. It was warm enough to skip the jacket though, so that was nice. Did a butt/thigh video and an arms/shoulders video.
Wednesday (26,968 steps) - 4 windy miles. It is light enough to hit the trails on the way back! Yay!!

Picked A up at soccer and got to watch her play for a few minutes.
Can you spot the surly one?
We still went to run club, even though A wasn't feeling up to running. We still did a mile because A really wants to join the "100 mile club" again.
Thursday (21,352 steps) - Up early AGAIN because I had to take my car in to find out why my check engine light was on. I also needed to get a new windshield, so that was fun. I did a short run during lunch. I have been spoiled running in my neighborhood because I had already forgotten how annoying it is to stop at.every.single.street.
Gymnastics after work.
Friday (18,531 steps) - REST DAY! Had to bring my car in AGAIN because the check engine light was back on. More testing, they didn't charge for the visit today, just a wait and see if it comes on later. Big announcement at work that my favorite attorney was promoted to Denver managing director! Hooray! Pizza and brownies for dinner, finish packing and in bed early for our race.
Saturday (116.221 steps) - 24 Hours of Palmer Lake.
Sunday (46,336 steps) - More 24 Hours of Palmer Lake.
When we finally got home I took a shower, napped for a few hours. We went to IHOP for a very late lunch. Chipotle for dinner. Zero things.
Monday (12,443 steps) - REST DAY! Did 15 minutes of yoga/pilates before work. Uh, nothing else.

  • 259,926 steps
  • 79.7 miles run
  • No cross training
  • 33 minutes of strength/stretching
Everything Else:
  • EXHAUSTED. Well, I tell you what. Back to back weekends of ultra marathons and travel is tiring. Wish I would have had a staycation day to use. On the agenda for recovery week is lots and lots of sleep.
  • Ugh. Tired of car expenses! I have been enjoying not having car payments, but it seems that every few months I'm having a substantial car expense. This is the only vehicle I've ever bought new (had almost 7 years now), and the longest I've ever owned a car. What's your experience with deciding when it becomes too expensive to fix? I love my car, and don't want to get rid of it, but...

1 comment:

  1. I cut my losses with my old Neon when the repairs were about 50% of a car note - not worth it for a used, old car with close to 200,000 miles. My current car is 11 years old. It's a Scion Xa and it has literally NEVER needed repairs, except for body work from morons hitting me in parking lots (WHY DO YOU ALL KEEP HITTING MY CAR?!), so I am very happy about that. I wish they hadn't discontinued the brand, because I would buy another Scion in a heartbeat!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...