Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week in Review (August 25 - August 31)

Tuesday (17,042 steps) - Upper body strength training. This was a surprisingly "different" workout, and I enjoyed it. Not moves that I normally do. Since I am not going to be able to do a video on Friday (because I'll be at Ragnar), I figured I would have to do a "double" day. The evening video was HIIT cardio and abs. (Note: seemed reasonably difficult when I was doing it and the next day my abs were screaming).
So apparently this is what I look like when I do jump squats?

Wednesday (21,501 steps) - Upper body strength and cardio. Probably not the best idea to do back to back days of arms. My triceps were already pretty sore after yesterday's video. As a note, the cardio was jumping jacks in between every set, which I kinda liked. This was a good video. Super quick trip to the gym for 2 miles.
Thursday (15,561 steps) - Woke up at 4:15 and couldn't go back to sleep. I tossed and turned, did a load of laundry and one of my favorite videos, the butt & thigh "drop it like a squat." Because I am the most intelligent person on earth, I planned to leave for Angel Fire right after work. Like in the middle of rush hour. My dad was kind enough to bring A to my office, and we left right at 5. And promptly sat in horrible traffic. We didn't even get to Colorado Springs (something like 75 miles away) for well over 2 hours. We hit some rain and stopped at Hu Hot for dinner. When we were done eating the rain had subsided, only to pour on and off. Finally we stopped for the night in Colorado City because the rain was so bad I could barely see. I can't see the best at night to begin with, and pouring rain makes it worse. We were in bed by 10.
Friday (25,433 steps) - Up by 5:30 and then quick breakfast at 6 before heading out. Stopped in Trinidad to buy bottled water. Arrived in Angel Fire without further incident just after 9:00. I'll blog about the race itself, so I'll leave it at that - but will put in the picture before leg 1.
Saturday (32,018 steps) - Finished up with the race, helped gather up trash and pack up gear before heading out just after 3:00.
Dan, Heather, Me - the Roost Runners from Colorado
First we got stuck behind the slowest and most nervous drive ever leaving the resort. Once the road straightened out we got stuck in MORE pouring rain. I swear, the rain follows me. We drove in questionable and hard to see conditions all the way until Trinidad. Stopped at Applebee's for dinner in Pueblo (which was delicious), and got home just after 9:00 pm. Even though I was exhausted, we unpacked the car, I threw in some laundry and had a beer. Bed by 10:30.
Sunday (15,776 steps) - The weekend caught up with me and I slept until 8:30 - which is CRAZY late for me. We had coffee and pastries for breakfast. Was sore/exhausted so I did the optional pilates video before taking the kids to the park for some ring toss and horseshoes while Jessa went to the gym.
Then we all went to the park down the street for A's start of the year Girl Scout BBQ. Unlike New Mexico, it was sunny and a jillion degrees. Back to Jessa's for an hour and then over to my parents house for my dad's birthday dinner of lasagna and angel food cake. Second dinner of homemade chicken meatballs with Jessa and early to bed.
Monday (15,747 steps) - Up early because I had a doctor's appointment. After almost a year of fighting with my current doctor over incorrect billing I finally got fed up and switched. Of course I had to go through all the paperwork and initial "new patient" nonsense. However, they were quick and efficient. If they get the billing done right I think I'll be pleased. Skipped the gym and did a kettlebell video (using dumbbells since I don't own a kettlebell). Jessa and I watched the Walking Dead (since we had forgotten to watch on Sunday) - bed by 10:30. Phew.


  • 143,078 steps
  • 16.2 miles run
  • 87 minutes of cross training (other cardio/HIIT)
  • 75 minutes of strength/stretching
Everything Else:
  • So I'm halfway done with my eight week program (already!) - I can't actually tell if I am getting stronger, but I am not finding myself quite as exhausted as I was in the beginning. I am getting into a better routine of doing the video in the morning, which saves me a lot of time.
  • New Mexico was SO MUCH FUN - had a great time with friends, and A had a good time too. Even though this was a "runcation" she was able to have fun as well.
  • I'm supposedly at the end of the line of my moving struggles - no details to share at this point in time, but hopefully after this weekend I will no longer be homeless!! (Although A and I will really miss staying with Jessa - she has been such a great friend through all of this!)


  1. It's so nice to have the kid be old enough to be able to take along on runcations! My kiddo has no interest in running, but she loves cheering from the sidelines. Ah well, if she won't run, then that is definitely the next best thing.

    Sending good thoughts out into the universe for your upcoming move!

    1. She is great about cheering and hanging out at races. She just isn't "quite" old enough yet for an atmosphere other than Ragnar where I feel comfortable leaving her with other people. Maybe another year or two :D

  2. I so much love that A got to go with you on the Ragnar. I hate driving at night anymore, must be the result of getting older. I am saving the arm workout to do later today. It looks like one I would like.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...