Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Normal (Week 5)

Tuesday - 7+ on the treadmill. A little rough, but not too terrible. Video trifecta (arms, core, legs).
Wednesday - Munchkin mile with A at Lake Arbor. Have no clue on distance (at least a mile) or overall pace.

Thursday - Video trifecta (arms, core, legs) and 2 miles on the treadmill. I had planned on knocking out an hour, but this felt insanely hard, so I cut it very short.
Saturday - I had planned on a run after finding out Bear Chase was going to be postponed... but then I didn't feel like it. Instead, L and the kids and I stood in line for ONE HOUR at the new Dunkin' Donuts!! Sadly, I was very disappointed with both the donuts AND the coffee. We did some shopping, and I managed to score two pairs of new shoes for A for a total of $19.97 plus tax. FOR BOTH PAIRS. Not EACH, BOTH. What.

Sunday - Bear Chase 50K
Monday - Nothing. I had planned on a run but then had some personal stuff come up and stayed at home instead.

Loss - 0.4 pounds
  • My appetite is definitely back with a vengeance!! Combination of leveling out intake and running all the miles?
  • Indulgences this week - Smashburger, pizza, yogurtland, DONUTS, and of course... BEER!
  • Work is going ok. It has been really busy and they FINALLY hired someone to "temp" for the paralegal that had the baby. Hopefully she can stay on after she tells them she isn't coming back from maternity leave...
  • Friday was the COLDEST DAY EVER. I am really REALLY not looking forward to winter coming. THIS Friday, our forecasted high is 43 degrees. WHAT. That is nuts. 
  • Related: Apparently, I need new tires. OF COURSE I DO. Didn't you know I'm made out of money???
  • L's ex boyfriend saw J at the gym recently. I was informed that he has "put on some weight." I don't know if that makes me happy or not... 
Online Dating Updates
  • I had been down to one guy. Still the same one that asked to friend me on Facebook. I realized after chatting with him more that I had no idea what he did for a living. TURNS OUT, NOTHING. Yeah. Dude has been out of work since JUNE. I go back and look at his profile, and sure enough, he has listed that he is working and making $50,000+ a year. LIAR LIAR. We are no longer chatting. And this is a reminder that I should unfriend him...
  • Awkwardly, someone else sent me a message through match asking if we had met up at Meet Up a few months ago. He didn't look familiar... I didn't respond.
  • I was going to just give up completely, but then Friday night I was bored and lonely and going through profiles and found one with a good looking guy who sounded promising. We have been texting since Friday, he seems smart and funny, and we are tentatively making plans for bowling or something this week.
  • If THAT ^ doesn't work out, I quit this online stuff.


  1. I love that sunflower shirt of yours. and the shoes you got were an awesome deal and cute, my daughter would love those. Hope your date goes awesome!!

  2. You are clearly not from New England because it is sacrilege to hate on DD here.

  3. And yes that sunflower inknburn shirt is the bomb. I am jealous of all your fabulous INB stuff.

  4. When our DD first opened here, the lines were just as long and the quality just as awful. It's been open now for 2 or 3 months and things seem to have gotten better. It is still kind of slow (not some place you want to stop when you're in a hurry), so I don't go there very often.

  5. Love the running pictures of you and A! Don't give up just yet on match.com. It took me 3 months and many "interesting" guys until I met my husband. My advice: have fun with it and see what happens :)


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...