Wednesday, February 20, 2013

(Sort Of) Wordless Wednesday

Who am I kidding? Of course I have things to say.

So Monday, A didn't have school because of President's Day. Actually, she didn't have school last Friday either. Lucky. Since I had been gone most of the weekend racing in Arizona, I took a half day off from work so we could hang out a bit. I left work at noon and we had lunch, then drove up to Chautauqua Park in Boulder.

One of my duties as an Ambassador for INKnBURN, obviously, is to get some "real life" shots of me wearing the gear - what better way to spread the word, than through... pictures? A was pretty excited about going for a hike (I figured even dead and brown foothills are more scenic than the city) even though it was in the upper 30's and CRAZY WINDY.

These were my two favorite pictures she got of me:

Lotus Camisole and Performance Denim
Red Sakura Pullover and Performance Denim
A says, "I LOVE HIKING!"
It was a super fun afternoon and we can't wait to go back when the weather is a bit warmer.

And if you still haven't taken the plunge and tested out some INB for yourself, set up an account and use the discount code BeckaToldMe and save 15% off your order. This is HUGE!

Unrelated: I participated in a plank challenge. Goal was one hour of planks in one week. I missed the first 2 days because I didn't know about it and only did a few minutes on marathon day. To help catch up, I did A BILLION minutes yesterday (over 20, in sections of 1.5-3 minutes), ending the challenge with just over 53 minutes. My abs are angry.

Also unrelated: Since there were zero donations in the last week, I will hold on to my tube of Nuun. I'm at a loss for a better way to raise money. I had luck before when I was giving away a ton of stuff, but I'm not able to do that this time around. Any other suggestions? I still have about $800 to raise (I have until mid August, but the more time that passes, the more nervous I get about reaching my goal).

Anyway, donation link is in my sidebar or HERE.


  1. Shitballs. I meant to donate, and then I forgot with my neck trying to explode :(.

    I love A.

  2. Dont be nervous. it will all come together. I will donate once i get my bonus check :) (2 weeks). also-i did bake sales, garage sales, etc. to raise money. it wasn't too bad. or ask your fav restaurant to see if they will donate a % one day/night.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...