Tuesday, November 13, 2012

After a Few Tantrums...

I appear to be back to my normal cheery obnoxious and bitchy self. I ran a trail un-paved half marathon on Saturday. It wasn't fast, it wasn't especially fun. But what's important, is that even though the course was ugly, I was slow, and the weather was lame, I did NOT threaten to quit running for all eternity when I got done. This shows me that even a crappy trail un-paved run is exponentially better than road running.

So... With that said, here is a random post about nothing.

 Running... what's next:

  •  I am running Route 66 marathon this weekend. I hope it sucks less than MCM, and I hope that it is warmer than last year.
    • Should I wear my Brooks Glycerin (I have been running in them since MCM, but nothing longer than 5 miles) or should I stick with my Newtons?
    • I have no one to be matchy matchy with this weekend. (WHAT, WHAT??) I think I may wear an Ink N' Burn shirt. Leaning toward my Zombie shirt or Hollywood Dragon
  • I am running CIM next month with Heather. We are leaning towards a super obnoxious Christmas-y theme with red sparkles, a green top and either Pro Compression neon yellow or some undecided pair of festive socks. After planning all the ridiculous-ness of a point-to-point race, let's hope the running is the easy part.
  • Dare I say two months to GOOFY?? Yes, yes, I do. Also, my flights FINALLY got squared away last night. Frontier is pretty awesome on the Twitter. I arrive around noon on Friday and will leave Monday morning. More importantly, we think we have themes for BOTH DAYS. That MIGHT be because Heather is the brains of the operation.
  • Heather and I (are you sensing a theme here?) are wishy washy on this Arizona race. It seemed like such a great idea when I loved all of the running. Now, a point-to-point super boring scenery (yet flat) race doesn't seem that appealing... I could either flake (but have bought airfare - only $130ish RT), run just the 1/2 OR Lost Dutchman is that same day... decisions...

Black Friday, Shopping, Christmas, etc (aka, my "wish" list)

  •  I sent a check to GMAA for a sweatshirt to commemorate our 50th state (VT, if you are new). This was a funny correspondence between the race director and I - after she read my blog:  I am the one who gets to take home all of the clothing left at aid stations that is not picked up to wash and donate to good will-I folded your super stylish fur rimmed hooded sweater today. I even considered keeping it to use as a throw away.
Is this NOT the most awesome sweater ever?
  • Related: I want to buy this race picture. We could hang above/near the Map of Awesome.
Out of 9 successive shots, the only one we both look normal in
  •  Mofo LULU!!! (The Pace Setter is the best skirt ever in the history of the universe)
  •  A red Keurig. I don't know why it has to be red. It just seems pretty. And I'm freakin' obsessed with my one at work. The Gingerbread (Green Mountain brand) coffee is so tasty!
  •  A gift card for Ink N' Burn. I love all of their stuff (except the skirts didn't work for me, which is probably a blessing in disguise). I am obsessed with wanting a pair of the "jeans" yoga pants. MY DREAM is to live in a pair of those. I'm over the whole "fancy" clothes crap for work. YOGA PANTS ALL THE WAY.
  •  And last... but NOT least.... I am only $50 $25 away from meeting my fundraising goal, raising money for the AFSP to run Tinker Bell in January... so if you have a buck (seriously, even a dollar donation would be AWESOME) to spare, you can donate here.


  1. I'd stick with the Newtons but I am a Newton fan. Very cute exchange about your throw-away sweater!!

  2. I'm with Abbi. Not sure I'd run a half in shoes I hadn't done a long run in. I can't believe Goofy is going to be here that soon!

  3. I'm obsessed with my Glycerin's, so.. y'know.

    T-17 days to CIM.
    T-58 days to Goofy.

    Dun dun DUN.

    Stupid $35 registration from a billion months ago. I'm kind of leaning towards the half.... I wouldn't hate a new half PR, it's been ages since I ran JUST a half.

  4. That pic of you and L is awesome. Amazing shot of you both at the big 5-0. Love.

  5. The picture of you & L is fantastic. I think you should definitely get it.

  6. I'm gonna order that Lulu skirt and shipped it out to my bro so he can bring it back to me when he visits! FYI - I live on the other side of the world.

  7. My Christmas list looks pretty similar, except without the race picture. I never look awesome in mine.

    I vote you do the half. And no to the Newtons.

  8. I am a super advocate for yoga pants all day everyday, but I have to draw the line at the painted on pockets and whatnot. Since tights are a mandatory staple in my winter wardrobe, interchanging the Lulus shouldn't be a problem.

  9. i wish i was shorter so i could wear the pace setter skirt and not worry about major chaffage or showing m y hooha. I have a keurig--- if you like gingerbread you might also like golden french toast- same brand and packages as the gingerbread (i have 2 boxes of each)

  10. i was just looking at my sparkle skirts thinking i needed to double up my red and green and find a xmas race here. LOVE that pic of you and L. love your list. gotta work on mine!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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