Thursday, June 14, 2012

Peru - Cuzco, Lima, Home... (Days 8, 9, 10)

I'm combining the last few days into one post since not a whole lot happened other than travel.

Day 8

Earliest wake up of the trip other than marathon day. We had to be packed, have breakfast, and be at the train station by 8:30. I was still CRAZY sore, although I seemed to be the only one.

It was a few hours by train to get to Ollaytantambo, where we would then get our bus back.

I ended up falling asleep on the bus. I don't remember it happening, but apparently when I fall asleep, I tilt my head back and my mouth is wide open... a few people have pictures, but luckily no one was mean enough to post them :D

We got back to the bus and got our "box lunch" - the only meal we didn't have in a nice restaurant. It was still really good. Sandwich, stuffed chicken (!!), fruit, chocolate, cake, etc.

Bus trip was another few hours back to Cuzco. We stopped at yet another market - this one was like a flea market. HUGE. It drizzled rain, but luckily most of the vendors had their stuff covered with tarps. I had to use the bathroom before we got back on the bus. Wearing flip flops. And there was about a 1/2 inch of standing water. I don't even want to know the cause of it. But I had to pay one sol to find out. Ew.

Arrived in Cuzco in plenty of time to check in and get cleaned up. We all got upgraded to SUPER nice rooms. I should have taken a picture, but I didn't. I'm an idiot. It was the same place we stayed the first two nights, but more awesome rooms. On the second floor. SO MORE STAIRS.

Then it was time for our "awards" ceremony. I already posted my pictures with the marathon recap, but in case you forgot, here is me accepting my 9th place (2nd to last) award. PODIUM FINISH! (Third place, aka, last place female).

Josh claiming his 10th place finish! (last place)

We went to yet another fancy restaurant. Had yet another buffet. And saw yet another show. I really enjoyed this one. They played some original music and also did quite a bit of famous classical tunes.

Day 9

We lost the brothers as they had early flights and left much earlier than we did, as well as Laurie, who was staying an additional week. We had a 9:30 flight out of Cuzco. It is the smallest airport EVER. (In security we didn't have to take off shoes, jackets, or remove fluids/laptops, also, I got through with a half finished bottle of water - CLEARLY WE ARE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE).

The most exciting part of the airport was the bathroom INSIDE security being closed, so having to use the emergency exit to get back OUT to use it. I listened to my iPod on the plane and possibly dozed off.

We arrived in Lima to a smaller tour bus. Even though it was already 11:00, it was time to drive around and see Lima. The traffic there is MIND BOGGLING. I would lose my mind driving in that. The sky was overcast, but once we got downtown, the city was pretty.

We were starving to death, but then it was time to go on a tour of the catacombs in this church:

They buried something like 95% of all (Catholic) people in there. And apparently there are a lot of underground tunnels due to the pirate problem?? I was so hungry I was unfortunately NOT really listening.

So when we FINALLY got to our (deserted) restaurant at 2:30 for lunch, there was yet another buffet, and I ate something ridiculous like 3 plates of food and 2 dessert plates. It's a miracle I don't weigh 300 pounds.

After lunch we headed to a hotel where we would have a room until evening (our flight wasn't until 1:00 am). I have never heard of such a thing. (Renting a room for a few hours, unless hooker hotels are real?) The room was AMAZING. I should have taken a picture of that one too.

We said goodbye to Philip and Nathan, who had to leave at 4:30 for the airport, and Josh and I decided to walk and get something to drink. We went ahead and walked to the ocean. It looked a lot like a California beach.

There was a TGIFridays and a Hello Kitty store. We didn't go to either. When we got back to the hotel, we met up with Rachel, who suggested we get some dinner. After my ginormous lunch I wasn't hungry yet, but I walked with them to... McDonalds.

When we got back we had to check out of our room, then waited in the lobby until it was time for the airport. We ran into Nathan in the sushi bar (not that I eat sushi), though we opted for BURGERS.

Day 10

Flight was on time with its 1:00 departure, and mostly uneventful, except I sat next to a woman with THE PLAGUE who sneezed and sniffed and wiped her nose on her arm the whole flight. I managed to sleep all but about 2 hours of it - awesome! I was awake for breakfast and watched tv until we landed. Josh and I parted ways at LAX, where I had about 4 hours to kill before my flight to Denver. I used the time to type my marathon blog post and eat a raunchy breakfast from McDonald's. (Yes, a 2nd breakfast - the first one was at like 5 am). Arrived home to DIA with no problems and all my stuff!


Hope you enjoyed reading about my trip, I really enjoyed all of your comments. Thanks!!


  1. What an amazing trip!!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!

  2. Hey - so that place w/ TGIF/Kitty was Larcomar! I love that place, the restaurant, Mangos, has the best buffet ever (awesome ceviche). I loved sitting there & having me a pisco ;) *sigh*
    SO VERY HAPPY you had a positive experience on this trip. It's definitely making me want to plan some travel. It's been TOO long.

  3. Wow! Lima is really pretty. Glad you had fun.

  4. Lima looks beautiful. So pictureque!

  5. What a great trip, love all those pictures!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

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