Friday, April 6, 2012

Five Things Friday

I posted a desperate/whiny status on Facebook the other day: 

"For once, I'd REALLY like for something to happen in my favor."

Well... I've got five GOOD things to post about today. Pretty dang psyched.

1. I interviewed for a pretty awesome job yesterday. I'll call it a "real" job. One that I highly doubt I would ever be bored doing. Also, one that would allow for growth within the company. It's also in a "high-rise" building downtown. Fancy. (I even dressed up and did my hair)

Doesn't A take a FABULOUS picture??
Well.... I got called back for a SECOND INTERVIEW. This is huge. I haven't been called on a second interview in AGES. Seems very promising. PLEASE WISH GOOD THOUGHTS FOR ME.

2. I got a 100% on my last exam in my Law Enforcement course. WOOT!!!

3. I am going on another group run tomorrow with the lovely people from Runners Roost in Louisville. REALLY looking forward to doing some trail running.

4. I was at Lululemon in Boulder today and they said kids are more than welcome to attend their yoga class on Sundays. I'll be bringing A the next time we don't have plans. She is dying to do some yoga with me and I'm just not super good at it.

Also? I finally tried on the "Wunder Unders" - holy crap... my butt looks pretty good :D :D

5. New snack item????

If I have any left, I'll bring some for my Ragnar teammates.


  1. A's yoga pose is too cute!!

  2. A cracks me up.

    Step away from the wunder unders.

  3. yay and good luck on the interview. i LOVE my wunder unders. actually have them on at this very minute.

  4. Love the name wunder unders :)

    A Lulu store is opening here this spring. Can't wait to be able to shop in person!

    Congrats on your exam!

    [Fitness, Health and Happiness]

  5. Yay, congrats on the second interview. I wish you the best.

    Love the pic of your daughter. She is too cute!

  6. Yay for good things! Man, I need some wunder unders of my own!

  7. congrats on 2nd interview--- knock em dead!!!

    is the chocolate silk jiff similar to nutella?!?!

  8. Congrats on the 2nd interview! The Wunder Unders and Crow & Crop are my favorites from LuLu :)

  9. So exciting!! I'm sending tons of positive vibes your way on the job front!!


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Week in Review (February 25 - March 3)

Tuesday  (15,764 steps) - Peloton and walked Olive before going to work in the office. StairMaster and a strength training at lunch. Took Ol...