Thursday, October 31, 2019

Week in Review (October 22 - October 28)

Tuesday (24,435 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Milk Market! Although I had a rough day at work and also realized my next marathon is in four weeks and need to bump up miles, so I started early and ran just over 7 miles. Temps were pretty perfect for running, sad that the snow is coming.

Dinner was burgers and onion rings. Yum!

Wednesday (17,968 steps) - Core class during lunch. Runners Roost Boulder!
Since we had Pika with us and we weren't sure if she could do nearly 7 miles (tbh, I wasn't sure I could do that much either), we drove to the trail head again.
It was not snowing when we started, and Pika was really pulling a lot because everyone in front of us was running faster.
About a mile in was when the Star Wars snow started. It was pretty intense and hard to see (thankfully not super cold though). The way down was pretty sketchy too.
Drive home was one of the scariest I can remember in the recent past. Have I mentioned that I hate winter?
Thursday (13,475 steps) - Berkeley Park!
Ariel and I walked around the lake with Pika - beautiful sunset.

We hung out at the shop for a bit before going over to Goldspot Brewing to play trivia! Greg is a fun announcer, and I'm happy to say that WE WERE VICTORIOUS. Yay!

Friday (18,679 steps) - Core class during lunch. After work Pika and I walked to the lake with Tyler. It ended up being a little muddy on the way back, but good exercise.

Ariel had gone to Breckenridge, so I was home alone for the night, doing what I do best on those nights... laundry and watching TV.

Saturday (36,229 steps) - Got to sleep in a tad, and took Pika for a quick walk before heading to Morrison to meet up with Lisa, Jandy and Alexa for a run around Red Rocks and Dinosaur Ridge. The first few miles were pretty hilly and I haven't really been doing much consistent road running, and this 10ish mile loop was pretty fatiguing.

Glad to get a long run done before the weather rolled in. A few errands before taking Pika for a long walk.

Then it was getting ready for Brian & Katie's annual Halloween party!
Everyone loves treat time!
Ben and I didn't stay long, but we had a good time.

Sunday (19,859 steps) - Weather rolled in overnight, but thankfully it didn't really snow as much as we feared. Took Pika for a walk to the lake.
Ben and I headed to Berkeley around noon for the "Beer Run After All." What was supposed to be 6 miles and 4 breweries ended up being over 7 miles and 2 breweries and cider joint. Much fun was had by all.

Picked up pizza on the way home and watched The Walking Dead. (I'm actually thinking about giving up on this show - is anyone still watching it? I just super don't care about most of the characters anymore...)
Monday (5,767 steps) - The storm REALLY came in. The office gave us a two hour delay, but by the time they announced it I was already outside dealing with my car. I headed out and promptly turned around and Ben (and his 4 wheel drive) took me to work. That of course meant he had to come and pick me up later that afternoon, but since A was still with Rachelle we made a quick stop at 4 Noses for a beer.
  • 136,412 steps
  • miles run
  • Three gym classes

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday (18,093 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Milk Market! Rock n' Roll came to promote the race and brought a ton of swag, which ended up working out great for me since I had forgotten gloves, I was able to use a pair of socks as mittens.
I ran with Paula again, and this week was much better than last week's run. Dinner was mini fried chicken sandwiches and delicious mac n' cheese!

Wednesday (12,855 steps) - Core class during lunch. Sadly, no run club since A had a meeting for her Scandinavia.

A couple other random exciting things. Today's the one year anniversary of my first date with Ben. And... he is officially moving in (starting today and finishing up this weekend).
First task was swapping out bed frames - his is much nicer than mine
Pika was apparently feeling more safe in my closet - away from mean ol' Batman
Thursday (17,103 steps) - Took Pika for a run at the lake!

Changed clothes before heading to A's school for her first orchestra concert of the year.
Of course the only student blocked was A. (She says she always sits in the same place, so I'll need to make a mental note for next time).
Friday (14,606 steps) - Core during lunch. Took A and Pika for a walk.

Saturday (31,907 steps) - Took Pika for a walk to the lake.
Then we headed down to Hildebrand for the FREE Two Brands trail race! I optimistically signed up for the 10 miler and A was running 5. I actually ran better overall than I expected, and this was my first double digit run since Tahoe. Official finish time 1:59:26 (although I did nearly a half mile extra, because I didn't know we weren't supposed to come in/out of the start/finish area and we were just supposed to head back up the hill - oops. Since my goal was sub 2, this is extra impressive for me).

Weird expression, decent finish line pic!

Jandy had some time before she needed to head home, so we went to Blue Spruce. It was really great to catch up with her.

A had a sleepover at 4, so I took Pika for another walk at Lake Arbor. Ben finally got down early evening, and we picked up some groceries and a pizza for dinner.
Sunday (19,989 steps) - Up relatively early and took Pika for a walk - in the insane wind. Seriously, so awful. Really glad I didn't "need" or run or have a race. Went to Home Depot, then to 4 Noses, where we met Kristin and Doug and discussed some fun spring race plans.
A decided she was going to sleep over at Abby's again, so we ordered in pho and watched Walking Dead.
Monday (10,340 steps) - Nothing! Ben surprised us by making tacos, which were delicious.
  • 124,893 steps
  • 17.6 miles run
  • Three gym classes

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...