Friday, September 29, 2017

Week in Review (September 19 - September 25)

Tuesday (10,024 steps) - Barre with Sasha.
Wednesday (20,994 steps) - Lakewood Trail Series! This week was the big kahuna - 7ish miles, including the climb up Mt. Carbon. Forever, I've been thinking that I ran this last year and it was no big deal, that I finished before it got dark, etc. Turns out, I ran the short course last year. I totally made up a fake memory. A was running the short course with Laurie and I headed out with the goal to keep the pace easy-ish. No walk breaks until Mt. Carbon climb. The most interesting part of the run was when a snake slithered between my feet when I was walking up the hill. I didn't even have time to be startled.
Another small bit of walking between miles 3 and 4. We ran a section of the park that I had never been in before and I felt pretty good the last few miles.
Ended up running the 7 miles in about 1:20, which is pretty darn good, considering Mt. Carbon (and I wasn't even last). It was dark within 10 minutes of finishing, and we all scattered instead of hanging out after like previous weeks.
Garmin time - 1:21:04
Garmin distance - 7.01 miles
Elevation gain - 531'
Mile 1 - 11:21
Mile 2 - 11:57
Mile 3 - 12:07
Mile 4 - 12:51
Mile 5 - 10:53
Mile 6 - 11:30
Mile 7 - 10:21
Thursday (11,272 steps) - Another week at Berkeley Park Running Company. We got there super early again, although this was the perfect week for it as it was Hokatoberfest! A decided that she was tired from GOTR so she didn't want to run. I wasn't GOING to run, but then I decided to just run around the Rocky Mountain Lake. Managed to clock my two fastest miles in like a hundred years. After the run it was great times hanging out with friends, eating brats and drinking beer. They've got a pretty fun run club!

Passing around the blond braids was apparently a "thing." Who wore it better? Phil or A? Ha!
Friday (9,774 steps) - Barre with Kelly.
Saturday (27,588 steps) - Snow Mountain Ranch half marathon.
We left Snow Mountain Ranch and drove into Winter Park to Deno's for "brunch," which really meant a beer and sharing a sandwich with A. Michelle and her husband Scott joined us, and it was a great time to sit and chat (out of the cold wind). After Kristen dropped us off at home, we literally did nothing the rest of the day.
Sunday (5,023 steps) - I actually managed to stay in bed until NINE. NINE. A made us breakfast and I did laundry. We watched TV all day until 3:30, when we went to barre.
Can you spot us?
We met Heather, Beth and Mo for class, then headed over to DBC for pumpkin beer! It was cold and misty all day long, so perfect day to (practically) do nothing.
Don't worry, she has root beer
Monday (7,607 steps) - EXHAUSTED. Clearly not from actually DOING anything. The cold front is officially here and it was a blah day. I went out briefly at lunch to get a new phone (which turned out to be a giant pain as apparently my most recent backup was corrupt). Other than that, nada. A decided we should skip our group run because it was cold and rainy. No complaints here, we enjoyed a night at home.

  • 92,282 steps (least ever, I think)
  • 21.8 miles run
  • 3(!) barre classes (and first weekend one in a while)

Snow Mountain Ranch Half Marathon

Saturday, September 23
Granby, Colorado
Half Marathon #174
Weather - chilly at the start, perfect at the finish

When Kristen offered to carpool I immediately took her up on it. She picked us up dark and early at 5 am. It was raining most of the drive to the pass, and we hoped that it wasn't going to be that bad when we actually got to Granby.

I vaguely remembered that I could see all the fall colors on the drive up last year, and realized the race was in fact starting earlier this year. Since we arrived at 6:40, we decided we would do the early start at 7:30. There was rain in the forecast for late morning and we didn't want to get stuck in it.
There was a bit of a snafu when we picked up our bibs, in that the timing chips weren't there yet. So we all had to get back in line a second time, which was strangely time consuming. Turned out to be closer to 7:35 when we started. Annette and Michelle joined us and we had a great time the first loop - mostly staying together and taking a lot of pictures. The views were incredible, although I couldn't help but think it was prettier last year with the dusting of snow on the ground for the first loop. Even though it was pretty chilly, I warmed up pretty quickly, and took off my long sleeves around mile 5. Thankfully I had thought to put a singlet on underneath at the last minute.

Yay, a picture of meeeee!

Kristen and I dropped Annette and Michelle shortly after starting the second loop. We managed to see the 10Kers heading towards us (somewhere near mile 4) and I was able to get a few pictures of just about everyone, including A.

I took a package of sport beans from the aid station since I had accidentally left my fuel in the car. PS, strawberry banana is a terrible flavor, but it did the trick. Kristen and I ran pretty well for a while.

 With just a few miles to go Kristen said that her stomach was bothering her a bit and she wanted to walk. She was sick on the side of the trail for a bit, but I stuck with her - I wasn't in a hurry. We ran together all the way to the hill at the finish, when she told me to "go on without her." I crossed the line a few minutes faster than last year, with just enough time to see A get her award for winning her age group.
Within 15 minutes of finishing the wind had picked up enough that tents and the finish line were being blown down. I put on my long sleeves and stayed at the finish long enough for a beer and a brat.
A, me, Patty, Annette and Lesley

Ambassadors - Erica, Lynette, me and Tom
Garmin time - 2:42:19
Garmin distance - 12.66 miles
Garmin pace - 12:49
Mile 1 - 13:06
Mile 2 - 13:39
Mile 3 - 13:03
Mile 4 - 10:58
Mile 5 - 13:58
Mile 6 - 13:17
Mile 7 - 13:01
Mile 8 - 12:51
Mile 9 - 13:43
Mile 10 - 10:47
Mile 11 - 15:02 (the puking mile)
Mile 12 - 11:46
Mile 12.66 - 10:48


  • This has been one of my favorite races the last three years. The fall colors are just amazing this time of year.
  • A commented that I should have warned her how hilly the course was. It didn't seem that hilly to me, although there are certainly sections that I walk.
  • Although the course is not technical, I always wear trail shoes because the grassy sections have historically been wet, and trail shoes don't let as much moisture in.
  • I may not run this one again, after three years I may find another race to see my fall colors!
  • Awesome after party, like usual.

Week in Review (September 12 - September 18)

Tuesday (10,209 steps) - Barre with Sasha.
Wednesday (19,364 steps) - The second Lakewood Trail Series! A wanted to do the short course and I planned on the long course. I ran the first two miles with Dulce, and other than walking up a fairly large hill at mile 3, I RAN THE ENTIRE COURSE AND FELT GOOD.

Thursday (14,663 steps) - The inaugural run club at Berkeley Park Running Company! Since the location is so close, we arrived about an hour early. That gave us time to help Sully and Phil get everything set up. They had a pretty good turnout, I think this is a great location for them.

Friday (11,173 steps) - Barre with Sasha (who must have been subbing for Kelly).
Saturday (35,446 steps) - Denver Trail half marathon!
We ate, showered, and then headed down to Denver for the rehearsal. It was interesting, since only one of the four bridesmaids were there, so it wasn't the most organized. Afterward we went across the street for food at the Art hotel. 

Sunday (14,342 steps) - Slept in until almost 8! Went to the grocery store and then got ready to go back downtown. Since A was in the wedding we had to be there by 11! She spent the morning hanging out with Margo and the other flower girl, and I spent my time with Eric, Heather and Beth, helping out wherever I could.
The wedding started at 4 (well, turned out to be about 15 minutes later than that). The ceremony was gorgeous (and quick). The toasts were amazing, the food was fantastic, and we had a great time dancing and seeing everyone. We were some of the last people there, not heading out until 9:30 or 10.

Monday (18,264 steps) - New Terrain run club! Berkeley Park was there again, as there was going to be a panel after the run club. We were running in two different groups, and somehow, the slowpokes got stuck in the second group. I ran some solo, some with Meredith. A had stayed with Pete, and I assumed that they were going to turn around before the summit as he had said he only wanted to do three miles. However, when I got to the bottom, they weren't there! By then it was dark-ish, and Kristen and I were worried. We found them at the base of the switchbacks. Pete had decided to go for the full loop and then it got real dark, real quick. Next week - headlamps!

Stuck around for most of the panel (any time Junko is speaking is a good time) and a beer with Kristen and Pete before heading home.
  • 123,461 steps
  • 26.5 miles run
  • 2 barre classes

Denver Trail Half Marathon (Race Recap)

Saturday, September 16
Cherry Creek, CO
Half Marathon #173
Weather - Chilly

We left the house with plans on arriving at the parking area with about 45 minutes until the start. Our pre-race email indicated that it was a "5-10 minute walk" to the start area. However, having run numerous races at this location, I knew it would a). take longer than that and b). that we would not be coming back to the car after picking up our bibs.
Sure enough, it was probably closer to a 15 minute walk. I immediately  headed to the bathroom and then picked up my bib. Time flew by while I was talking with fellow teammates and Tom. Before I knew it, it was time to start. Temperatures were a LOT cooler than they have been lately, and I *almost* left my 1/4 zip on. Decided about 30 seconds before the start to ditch the long sleeves. The first few miles were a bit cool, but overall it was a good decision to run in the singlet.

I felt pretty good the first few miles, I had planned on starting slow, hoping to avoid cramping. I even skipped stopping at the first aid station since I was feeling so good. Stacy had taken the early start and I saw her just before the turn around for the 10K. I stopped briefly at the second aid station, which was at the half marathons first turnaround, approximately mile 4. I had noticed when we were on our way out that the second out and back section did not look like it was in the same place as last year. It was a good thing there was someone out there telling us where to turn off. The trail was so overgrown I don't know that I would have seen it on my own.

This section was kind of fun! Maybe 2/3 of a mile of true single track - overgrown brush and grass and prickly plants. Then we moved onto some double track before finally ending up on pavement for about a half mile before we got to the turnaround. By this point I am still feeling pretty good and I have NOT taken a walk break. This is unheard of. I ran all the way back to the split, and then headed back up to the aid station (the one that had been at mile 4, and was now mile 9). Grabbed some electrolytes and ate a few peanut butter pretzels.
I was STILL feeling pretty good and I thought - WHAT IF I CAN RUN THE REST OF THIS WITHOUT WALKING? It might seem hard to believe, but I don't think I have run a half marathon without taking a walk break (I don't count aid stations) in probably 5 years. I was trying to keep my pace steady and when I got to the last aid station, around mile 11, I knew that there was still one section of climbing.

I actually managed to jog up the last climb (slowly) without walking. It might have been better if I had walked, because the last mile or so seemed exceptionally tough. My pace was the slowest it had been all day, and the last quarter of a mile it took everything in me to not walk. Ty took a video of me at the finish and I swear it barely looks like I'm moving.

Anyway, pretty damn pleased with this race, I felt good about 95% of the race and I accomplished something I don't normally do in a race. My time was almost the same as last year, although last year the course was short because the wrong trail was marked. So really, I ran a lot better this year.
A running in to the finish of her 10K
Teammates at the finish (I look extra short in this one)
Garmin Time - 2:24:28
Garmin Distance - 13.0 miles
Mile 1 - 11:10
Mile 2 - 11:14
Mile 3 - 11:04
Mile 4 - 10:39
Mile 5 - 11:28
Mile 6 - 11:12
Mile 7 - 10:52
Mile 8 - 10:30
Mile 9 - 10:57
Mile 10 - 11:23
Mile 11 - 10:59
Mile 12 - 11:48
Mile 13 - 11:13


  • Love both the shirt and medal this year (no picture, like usual).
  • This is one of the fastest trail races of the series, the only ones I've run comparably are Westminster and Longmont (and neither one of those is primarily dirt). There are a few "hills" at the end of the race, just plan on that.
  • Never believe anyone if they tell you that you can walk to the start line in 5 minutes. Allow at least 15.
  • Course was very well marked, per the norm.
  • Aid stations were a bit scarce as there was not one at the half marathon turnaround - just plan to have extra fluids on you, especially if it ends up being warm.
  • Awesome post-race party!!

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...