Thursday, July 1, 2010

Treadmill Training Run - Wednesday, June 30

Last long run before the next half. I wasn't looking forward to it. It's been a long week with ridiculously high temps (90+ every day) and I was tired. I hesitate to even SAY this, I feel like it might jinx me. But. It was actually a pretty good run. I'd even be willing to say one of the best runs I have had (on a treadmill) in months. I didn't feel tired once I started and I kept raising the speed.

I haven't done over 6 miles on my "long run treadmill day" in ages. I've typically been slowing down the pace a bit. I figured that since I've certainly been slowing my outdoor long run, I need to actually work on my speed a bit, and I think it went well. One more short run before Portland!

Random fitness related information:
June marks the most miles I have ever logged in a single month - 126.78!!
Saturday, July 3 at 8:00 pm marks the last day of the 1/2marathon-a-thon!
I've applied for another sponsorship, this time with GU!!!
Joined a neat website (that got me super cool hat/shirt/sticker) - half2run
Plan on joining the coolest Half Marathon club!! Half Fanatics! - I will be eligible for this club after completing the Red Wing River City Ramble Half Marathon in Minnesota next month.


  1. Hehe, yeah! After I got into the Marathon Maniacs (and I pretty much did it just for the shirt...) I saw they had a Half Fanatic group. Man, I'm slapping my forehead for not just doing that one. :) I think it's awesome you're going to join! You are going to skyrocket up the rankings based on your ambition. You'll probably start out as a 5-star member. :)
    So far everyone in the clubs have been SUPER nice and friendly! I think you'll going to find a lot of camaraderie at all of your races around the country. :) Good luck!

  2. Hi Becka - I don't see Seattle on your schedule - what gives?!

    I like the idea of Half Fanatics. Much more do-able than marathons for my schedule these days.

    Let me know when you are in the Emerald City or if you need help picking one out. We have some beautiful races that are off the beaten path, literally. :)

  3. @Average A - I don't recall seeing Maniacs at the events I've done yet. As soon as I join, the shirt will be my new race jersey!
    @Alma F - I haven't picked my Washington race yet! :)


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Week in Review (January 21 - January 27)

Tuesday  (14,378 steps) - Peloton ride and walked Olive before work. I wore the new scarf that Ben's mom made for me and it was nice and...