Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Treadmill Training Run - Monday, July 19

I actually woke up a bit sore from my run yesterday. That was different. Shockingly, it was super hot at the gym again, and I grudgingly did my 5 min warm-up and then dove into my hill program #6 - Aerobic Conditioning #1:

There are a ton of programs on these treadmills, but of all the hill programs, I find this one the "easiest" - maxing out at 3.0 incline. Especially being tired, I just couldn't bear to do a random program, which often maxes out at 6.0 incline - too much! I was tired, hot, but no more than usual.

Had a little extra time, so did another 15 minutes (a bit slower run pace):

After doing a hill program, the 15 minutes without incline almost seem "easy" - and I'm back to slowing down pace for long run Wednesday. Wore the Zensah compression leg sleeves again last night and my calves/shins are thanking me for it!

And in other fitness related news.  Got a few shipments in the mail yesterday. First, thanks to a blogger I follow (I would give her credit but I can't seem to remember which blog it was), I got my super awesome Road ID:

It will match my current race jersey, and will nicely complement the Half Fanatic singlet when I finally join!

Also - they're here!!! Advertised as a "party for your feet" - the Injinji socks I plan on wearing with my Vibram FiveFingers. I plan on testing them out on Wednesday.

I'm super psyched for the rainbow ones. I think those will be my race socks :D

Also, I'm only $182 away from meeting my donation requirement for my entry into the Athens marathon (which is coming up right around the corner on October 31... just over 100 days until my first marathon?!?!)

Here is the link for my donation site. $1, $5, any amount helps.


  1. I admire you for being able to get workouts done on the mill! I am not a big fan of the mill and I only run on it when there are no other options:)

    I can't wait to hear what you think of your vibram five fingers:)

  2. Julie - I loathe the treadmill! I would love to do all my running outside, but with my work schedule and being a single mom to a toddler... it's just not possible.

    I have run a few miles in the Vibrams but I got some nasty blisters. I'm hoping the new socks fix that!

  3. Hey! I just saw that you're coming to WA for You Go Girl half! There are a BUNCH of bloggy ladies running this race & going for ice cream after. Also, TMB@ Racing with babes (from Virginia, I think?) is flying out for it. Let me know if you'd like to join up with us.

  4. Hi Becka! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Great blog you're having here! And 'because being ordinary is boring' - that's just hilarious. :)

  5. I LOVE injinjis! I've been wearing them for about a year now, never a single blister since! I just got the rainbow ones not long ago - super fun! :)


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...