Thursday, October 28, 2010

Three Things Thursday - Marathon Edition

1. I made it!! I'm in Greece! (Fiascos to be described in detail later)
2. Last run tomorrow - easy 30 minutes. After that, next time I run is THE race. Course inspection and packet pick up on Saturday.
3. Marathon on Sunday!! I am so ridiculously excited. I've already met a ton of nice people, and for a lot of them this is also their first marathon.


  1. Woohoo!! I'm sooo excited for you :) :)

  2. EXCITING!!!!

    Take lots of pictures of EVERYTHING!! And have a great race!

  3. That is just so exciting! Enjoy the trip and scenery and good luck at your race! Yay!

  4. Good luck this weekend can't wait to see tons of pics. :)

  5. HOLY COW YOU'RE IN GREECE!! Super excited for you & will be thinking about you on Sunday. Actually, I'll have to keep you in my thoughts on Saturday night because of the time difference. Lol!

    Lotsa lotsa luck to you on your marathon, Girl, you will KICK ASS(phalt)!!!

  6. good luck!! have fun, get lots of pics (well, i know you will) :)

  7. Good luck, have fun and enjoy the experience!!! Soak it in!!!

  8. How freaking wonderful and exciting is that!?! Yea baby, racing in Greece:) Good luck and have fun!

  9. How exciting is it to do the first marathon in Greece, where everything began!?! You are lucky and you will do great!!!

  10. omg ur in greece!!!????

    i absolutely love what you r doing!
    ive browsed thru ur blog before but not in detail! totally loving u and ur experience.

    if u ever want to venture up north a bit to canada, let me know. id love run a half with u!!
    we can both break that 2 hour half marathon mark together :)

  11. Can't wait to hear more. I wish I were there to watch you in person!

  12. can't wait to read your recap!


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