Wednesday, August 3, 2011

RLRF (MP, WK 8, KR2)... AND!!

I came home today to find an awesome package in my mailbox from Hippie Runner! Yay to having new stuff for the gym!

4 headbands and 2 belts!
Of course A LOVED the peace symbol one. I'm sure she will run in it, but for now it is just a fashion statement:

I selected the cute one with the skull pattern!

And I of course had a rad outfit to wear with it:

On the agenda for today's run? Marathon program, week 8, key run 2.

6 mile run:
1 mile easy,
4 miles @ mid-tempo pace,
1 mile easy

I actually was not dreading this run. I mean, sorta dreading the middle 4 miles since I've been struggling so much with speed of late. So, new headband intact, I set off. The first mile was pretty easy. It actually didn't feel nearly as hot, and I was doing pretty well. The faster mid-tempo pace wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. It felt pretty darn good actually. A good run? Really? The last mile, at the slower "easy" pace was actually the toughest. Shock!! Anyway, here's what I did:

1 mile easy - 11:05 (goal 11:09)
4 miles @ mid -tempo pace - 39:09 or 9:47 per mile (goal 9:49)
1 mile easy - 11:01 (goal 11:09)

I guess that means I sorta nailed it! Although I suppose I should've done a tad bit slower on that last mile. Anyway. The headband was pretty awesome. Not quite as tight as what I'm used to, so there was some adjusting, but I think that it did a pretty decent job of wicking away the sweat! When I wore it down a little lower on my forehead (bandanna style), it seemed to work even better. I think this will be great to wear under a hat/visor. I'll be trying the belt this weekend on my long run.


  1. I was just checking out your map of the states you've ran a half in and see VT is missing. The Middlebury Maple is an awesome one to do it's end of April.
    There's the link to my recap of the race.

  2. Nice job! I am so loving that skull headband!

  3. Those headbands are pretty freakin' sweet!

    Nice job on your run! This summer the temperature is just killing me. The thought of running even 6 right now frightens me. :(


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...