Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week in Review (August 29 - September 4)

Tuesday (8,145 steps) - Nothing?
Wednesday (19,038 steps) - FRXC/New Terrain Brewing mash-up run club with Altra! We were pretty psyched to have Jared AND Sean show up for this run. I actually felt pretty decent, and according to Strava, even set some segment PRs. Crazy.

Thursday (11,629 steps) - Barre.
First day at the new job. Yes, another new job... Then, Belmar run club! I had planned on just walking, but Dulce talked me into running a bit with her.
Friday (9,373 steps) - Fiesta Friday.
Saturday (17,916 steps) - Runners Edge. Talked A into running 6 with me. May have been the best I have felt during a run in ages.

After breakfast/lunch we headed up to the mountains for Nate's birthday party. We ended up eating everything in the universe and didn't leave until after 6.
Sunday (25,528 steps) - Up at 3:45 am to get to Lisa's house by 4:30 so we could start our hike by sunrise. We ended up getting one of the last parking spots in the lot. Thankfully, there were port-o-potties at the trailhead. Kristen and Alison had hiked the day before and said the weather was really warm. I was too hot for my jacket within the first 15 minutes.

All of us had agreed that most of the hike felt "easy" until the last .75 miles or so. Then it was miserable. We are at the summit, hiding behind a wall of rock from the wind before heading down. 

The way down was tricky because it was steep (28% grade according to strava) and lots of loose rocks. The "highlight" was a crotchety old man yelling at Lisa and that body checking me. Even after I yelled at him since he knocked me over, dude kept walking. RUDE. 

We drove into Silverthorne for lunch at the Dam Brewery. SO TASTY!!
On the way home we had to stop at the store because we had guests coming over. Fun night of gossip, food and friends. A even had a friend spend the night!
Monday (steps) - Day of "mostly" nothing. A's friend ended up staying over until about 4, and around 5:30 we went to New Terrain for run club. It was incredibly smoky, but we still got a good loop in. 

We headed out right after running since it was already pretty late.

  • 105,785 steps
  • 17.4 miles run
  • 2 barre and a 14er

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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...