Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Treadmill Running

As you know, I'm pretty much exclusively a treadmill runner. I run, on average, 3-4 days a week. I also do a few other cardio sessions a week of turbo kickboxing. And some cycling (on a stationary bike). But I spend a LOT of time on the treadmill. I bet I'm on one at least 8 hours a week.

What on earth does one DO on the treadmill for that long?? Well, for many years (I'm coming up on EIGHT years of treadmill use!!), just my iPod was enough to keep me occupied. I absolutely LOVE music. But the more I run, the more I listen to music, and my "pump" songs are getting repetitive. I've turned to Netflix streaming (right now I'm watching Numbers)... but that can be tough though when I am doing things like speedwork. I certainly don't want my iPhone flying off the treadmill and shattering.

Mainly, I entertain myself by people-watching. And imaginary racing people:

I might not win in speed, but I always win in endurance. During my 20+ mile runs, I bet at least 6-8 people will use the treadmills near me.

I also talk to myself. A lot. In my head, rarely out loud (because that would be crazy). This happens the most when I'm doing speedwork. I'm absolutely TERRIFIED I'm going to fly off the treadmill or roll my ankle or something when I'm running at a crazy fast pace like 6:15 (9.6 mph) - don't worry I can only keep that up for about... 80 seconds.

Anyway. I will never abandon my beloved treadmill, but I'm interested in something to make it a little less boring. I have never listened to a book or a podcast. Do any of you?


  1. I LOVE the treadmill too! I've never done more than 10 miles, although that is still a lot! I like to watch tv and read the subtitles all while I listen to music . Sounds like a lot, but it keeps my mind elsewhere. Sporting events are fun to watch too. I always find myself comparing my stride with others or making lists in my head. I've also caught myself fist pumping to the music!

  2. Huge props to you for enduring, I mean spending so much of you time on a treadmill. I get bored out of my mind and can't seem to find the self-control to stay on the dumb thing.


  3. podcasts are my best friend for long runs!! i listen to the dave ramsey show and the marathon training academy religiously! sometimes i will download jillian moore or the marathon show podcast as well. i also love to listen to church sermon podcasts.

  4. Are you on a treadmill at home or at the gym? At home I've had it set up with a computer and a monitor (husband is a geek) so I've watched documentaries on HULU. I"ve also watched Spirit of the Marathon on HULU.

  5. I pretty much hate treadmills but with the weather and my work schedule I've been confined to the treadmill. At our apartment gym the treadmills are a little on the old side - anything over 8.0 mph makes me nervous and the treadmill gets so noisy I don't like doing speed work with other people in the gym!

    But seriously, you get a ton of credit for being able to spend {and enjoy?!} that much time on a treadmill!

  6. so its nice to know that you are human and not a machine-- aka you do get bored on the treadmill! I have zero advice for long runs on the treadmill. I have listened to podcasts or certain talk radio shows that I like- it does make the run go by faster.

  7. I would so love to have a treadmill at home, then I could watch TV as I did it. Since I have to go to the gym it is either my Ipod or watching the TV attached to the treadmill.

  8. I do both, treadmill running and outdoor running. best treadmills for home

  9. 8+ hours a week on a treadmill? Girl, you are tough!

    During the week I have to do my work outs at night, and running outside can be a bit scary in the dark. So, I'll have to rely on the treadmill more. I prefer running outside...let's just leave in to that. ;) But...I do love the treadmill for hillwork - mountain marathon training! :)

  10. Podcast or audiobooks work for me for slow long runs (10 min/mile pace). I have no idea how people are reading and running!!

    My current favorite is hulu.com. They have many tv shows and instead of DVR'ing I watch them on hulu the following day (for example: the current season of the biggest loser). It's free! :)

  11. I am a big treadmill runner as well. My coach is always trying to get me outside more. I don't really listen well to her!!

    I tend to watch tv when I run. My home treadmill is in front of a tv and the one at work has a tv as well. If I am not watching tv then I am jamming to my ipod. So I guess I have not new hints for ya. Sorry!

  12. I like podcasts and audiobooks on long runs. I've never tried it on the treadmill because mine is at home and I can easily watch TV. I spent 2 hrs listening to the new Stephen King book on a long trail run a few weeks ago. It made the time fly.

    Podcast-wise, I love "3 Non Joggers." Two ultrarunners and a guy who doesn't run. They are hilarious! I need funny if I'm listening to a podcast and it is a bonus that they are runners. I like other running podcasts but they get a little dry sometimes.

  13. I will have to try Hulu! I like listening to running podcasts (Two Gomers Run a Marathon, Run Like a Mother, Running with the Pack), but mainly when I'm driving. I slow down if I'm running while listening to a podcast.

  14. i’m not good about podcasts or books-i enjoy tv more. i’m lucky my gym has a tv at every tmill-but they hardly play good stuff while i am there. i just bought a kindle fire and may start downloading things on there.


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