Thursday, October 12, 2017

Louisville Trail half marathon (Race Recap)

Sunday, October 8
Louisville, CO
Half Marathon #175
Weather - perfect

With our first snow looming in the forecast, we were really lucky to have perfect running conditions for the last ERS trail race of the year! The Louisville Trail race is also the biggest event of the season.

The half marathon started at 8, so we had plans to arrive by 7, not because it's tough to pick up packets, but because there is basically only street parking and we didn't want to be far away.

We picked up our packets and spent some time talking to Tom. Cycled through the bathroom line once, got more coffee, and got everything ready (I was NOT going to forget my nutrition like I did last year!) I opted to get in line for the bathroom one more time, which caused me to miss the start of the race by a few minutes. No big deal, the race is chip timed.

I took it easy the first mile and then kicked things into a "higher gear" for a while. I did not stop at the first aid station (it was only 1.5 miles out) and did not have to take any walk breaks at all in the first half!
The trees looked amazing off the Coal Creek trail
One thing I like about being the last person across the line is that I can actually pass people! (And pass people I did!). At about 4.8 miles we run back by the finish line, which was a bit disconcerting because the 5K runners were running with us and going into the finish, while we still have 2/3 of our race to go...

Cross under the bridge and I am remembering that this section is deceptively difficult on the way back (I'm  not sure way, I actually think it is a net downhill). There is one large hill, and it's in this section. I take a very short walk break, and that is when I see A - she is running with Tom! Once we get to the top I stop briefly at the aid station and settle in for the last 7 miles.

This section is really pretty and shaded.
I finally saw Kristen and Lisa shortly after the 8 mile marker. I heard Lisa yell that the turnaround was at mile 9. Sweet! I was still feeling pretty good.

I was passing quite a few people at this point and I was really surprised that I was maintaining a speedy pace of mid 10's. Finally, somewhere around mile 10 is when I took a few short walk breaks.
I walked about half of the big hill on the way back and then gave it all I had to run into the finish. The course measured over .2 long, so I probably started my finish line "sprint" too soon.
Thank you Hillary for the heel strike pic!
Happy to be done with this one, and very pleased that this was my fastest half marathon in a year!

Official Time - 2:23:37
Garmin Time - 2:23:37
Garmin Distance - 13.27 miles
Garmin Pace - 10:50
Elevation Gain - 449'
Mile 1 -11:21
Mile 2 - 10:58
Mile 3 - 10:50
Mile 4 - 10:29
Mile 5 - 10:23
Mile 6 - 10:59
Mile 7 - 10:22
Mile 8 - 10:17
Mile 9 - 10:25
Mile 10 - 10:59
Mile 11 - 11:05
Mile 12 - 12:13
Mile 13 - 10:37
Mile 13.3 - 9:58

Meanwhile, A totally ROCKED it! She ran the entire time with Tom (who is a speedy guy) and got a brand new PR (that, yes, is faster than my 10K PR)! Official Time for A - 57:36!!!

A collecting yet another AG prize
The remaining people from the team that were still there when I finished

  • I had a great time running this series again! We had fantastic weather for all events (maybe some were a little warm). However, I think 2018 will be filled with some new events. This is kind of a "been there, done that" now.
  • As for this particular event, there was no beer at the finish line, but hilariously, that was spelled out and apologized for in the last email we got prior to the race. 
  • This race (I think) was also the fastest time for me last year. I'm sure the lack of technical parts and cooler temperatures probably has a lot to do with it.
  • For completing the entire series (one of only two people to run all ten half marathons), I received a cool stainless steel growler - I'll get to fill it for FREE one time at Avery Brewing!

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I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

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