Thursday, February 9, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1. Have I mentioned lately that I am absolutely, head over heels IN LOVE with YMX??? Have I??? Well, I am. Thanks to a fabulous streak of good luck, I have now obtained quite a few pieces. I just might survive the Colorado winter after all. Remember to check out their 30 days of Love for the $25 daily special. Here is what I have picked up so far...

Winter Flower
Blossoms & Butterflies
Flower Clouds Sun Tee


Maori Swirl

You know what I *really* like about their products? They are fun AND functional. So incredibly rare to find BOTH in one product. I can wear them to run 20 miles, or I can wear them casually (which I did today).

I am KICKING myself for not picking up a pair of Koi leggings when they were on special. Blame it on the fact I was in SoCal for the best half marathon ever.

**I'm not being given anything at all in exchange for declaring my everlasting love for this product. I am SUPER PICKY about what I wear, and when I find something I like... Well. Today's deal is 9/10, so there is still a chance to pick up an awesome deal. AND YOU SHOULD**


#49 - Mad Half Marathon, VT (July 8)
#50 - Parkersburg News & Sentinel, WV (August 18)

Please... if you are in the area and want to meet up, please get a hold of me. I suck at making plans, but I am awesome at showing up for things!!

If you haven't been keeping track, I ran my first half marathon in March, 2010. This whole journey will have taken just under 2.5 years. How is THAT for dedication/determination (mixed in with a bit of insanity)?

What is left before #49 and #50?

#44 - RnR NOLA, LA
#45 - RnR Country Music, TN
#46 - One America 500 Festival Mini Marathon - IN
#47 - Pittsburgh, PA
#48 - Superhero, NJ

... and a lot of other random running events.

3. I may or may not be in the market to run a 50 miler in the fall... an obvious choice would be to run the Bear Chase again (although I sorta had considered "just" running the 50k). I may or may not have a partner in crime who is also interested. Suggestions for an "easier" course? I'm guessing September/Octoberish?

As an aside. I'm supposed to run a local 1/2 on Sunday and it is supposed to snow. Yucko. I am planning on wearing one of my YMX tops. Yes. Long sleeves in a race for the first time ever. (Does that prove my devotion??)


  1. Love the Koi Hoodie! I have a calendar full of races for 12 in 2012 plus a ragnar and a 6 month trail race series. I need to get registering! Not sure why I keep putting it off.

    Off to check out 30 days of love.

  2. I too love YMX and am still mourning not getting that Maori Swirl top. Thanks for the reminder that the sale's still going!
    Yay for lots of races!

  3. See you at RnR's not our best race, but it's a fun one, and if the weather cooperates the half is a very, very fast course (the full is fast, too, but there is a tough head-wind section on the lake that the half avoids). Totally flat.

  4. cant wait till Nola!! i will check out a few of your other states and see if i can afford them. I don’t know how you have done it in 2.5 years!! insane props to you!! my bank account hates me. :):) i think it will take me 10 years or so!! i hope not….

  5. I hope the weather isn't too bad for ya t his weekend!

  6. Wow! very impressive! I would love to do something like that but the travel and cost would get me. That's a lot of $$ spent in that 2.5 years! Awesome job!

  7. I missed the winter flower. But I'm loving the sales!

    Holy Wow! All your traveling. How on earth do you pull that off? I'm in PA and VA so maybe between your Pittsb and your WV marathons we can hook up.

    You are running a 50 next April with me!!

  8. Looking forward to doing a marathon one day!

  9. I'll see you at NOLA! I wonder if Kat is still going to run it (she's registered...).

  10. You've picked up some great shirts! I should have been paying better attention! I am going to go check it out now.


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...