Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tidbit Tuesday

1. More Munchkin Miles! Today's run marks the first time she has kept a sub 13 pace!!

2. A signs up for her THIRD (but first official TIMED) 5K!

Look for super awesome matchy matchy outfits for the race, happening THIS SUNDAY!!

3. Holy crap next weekend I am going to be running a 50 MILE RACE... And... I am thinking of doing a giveaway... stay tuned while I sort things out.

4. Did I mention I'm doing SoCal Ragnar next April? We are in need of team names! We will have two teams, one will be the 6 ultra runners (not me!) and then another group of 12. Thanks for the invite to the team, by the way, I've always wanted one of those ginormous medals! So... SUGGESTIONS PLEASE!!! Also, themes??

5. Outside of running... I am working on my first exam... Terrifying... But, I still am maintaining an A average (I know, I know, only 4 weeks in). Still enjoying myself!!


  1. I just love that you're an A student!

    I bet A will do awesome in her big timed race!

    So jealous of your Ragnar team, sounds like a total blast!!

  2. yay for joining a ragnar team- YOU WILL LOVE IT. great idea to find team names... go on the ragnar website, click whichever race (or multiple if you have time) then click on team and look at all the names for other registered teams.
    otherwise think about what would be easy to wear in costume- then wa la. We came up with "2 legit to quit" because we were thinking early 90s gear- spandex, Mc Hammer etc.

  3. I keep going round and round with if I should do the Panerathon 10k this weekend...If I do I'll look for you guys! Good luck to both of you I'm sure that A is going to do sooo good!

  4. Good Luck on that 50 mile run! Can't wait to hear about it!

  5. Love that you are loving school and doing so well. Any of my friends that have gone back “older” have done much better and cared so much more. If only i had the desire! Good for you!!

  6. I almost want to go back to school, I'm just not that interested in anything to warrant going back :D

    A rocks my socks.

  7. She is absolutely precious. I just can't get over it. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'd love to try for Ragnar next year. I live less than am hour from the start here in So Cal . I've got all kinds of halfs scheduled in the coming months but my April is free so maybe I can look into it further to see if its doable for me.

    I'm glad you are enjoying your classes. I have my BS in criminal justice and had a great experience in those major courses.

  10. 3rd 5k wow, she is a runner!!! Watch out she might think of doing a 5k in every state :)


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...