Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Louisville Turkey Trot (Race Recap)

Thursday, November 23
Louisville, CO
Weather - sunny and warm

I had run this race a few times, most recently in 2014. We planned to arrive early, simply because a "free" on Thanksgiving has a big turnout and there isn't a ton of parking in downtown Louisville. With a 9 am start, we arrived at 8 am and were able to get a spot only a few blocks from the start line. The race was "free," but everyone was to bring food and/or clothing donations. We had picked up about a dozen food items at the store earlier in the week. This year, there weren't even bibs, so the most informal "race" ever.

I was feeling like crap. The cold I felt like I was getting Tuesday night was full-blown by this time. A was planning on racing and I was planning on not dying. We stayed at the Roost tent until shortly before the race started so that we could get closer to the front. There was a timing clock, but obviously no official timing since we had no bibs.

We saw Denise and her daughter in the chute and then follow the Shults' to the front of the line. A minute or so before our "wave" went off I told A (very dramatically) to go on without me, and she disappeared into the crowd.

I have been running better/more consistently, but knew that I was just going to have to get through this one. The first mile was eh, and by the second mile I was walking because it felt like my head was going to explode. I knew that this year had a new course, but for some reason I had thought that we were running on trails - nope. The mile markers were off according to my watch, so I assumed that the course was going to be short.

I finally started to feel better near the aid station at mile-ish 2 and was able to run all the way to the finish. The course actually measured just under 3.1, so not too bad. I headed back to the Roost tent to get A. She had an awesome day and ran a new PR  - 25:09 - even though it probably doesn't count since there are no results.
I got a tasty beer from Liquid Mechanics, and we enjoyed sitting in short sleeves on Thanksgiving. Couldn't have asked for better weather!
Time - 33:57 (maybe 15 seconds faster, forgot to stop it right at the finish line)
Mile 1 - 10:51
Mile 2 - 12:12 (bah)
Mile 3 - 9:46

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I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

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