Friday, January 8, 2016

Week in Review (December 29 - January 4)

Tuesday (19,463 steps) - Worked in the morning and then headed to the airport for Across the Years. Mostly uneventful. Won't re-tell the story - you can read about the whole trip on the race recap.
Wednesday (113,753 steps) - Day one of ATY. About 52 miles done on the first day.
Thursday (110,644 steps) -  Day two of ATY. About 50 miles done the second day.
Friday (38,744 steps) - Final day of ATY. About 13.5 miles done and completion of the ATY race.
Lots of headaches with my return flight to Denver, but I got back safely and did a bit of unpacking. Pretty happy that I got back on a Friday night and still had the weekend to recover! In bed EARLY to try and finally get some legit sleep.
Saturday (17,510 steps) - Got up early to meet Heather at Snooze for breakfast. I love this place! I had some eggs and green chili and a peanut butter chocolate chip pancake. SO GOOD. We headed over to Runners Roost to register for the Colfax marathon relay, only to find out we would have to do it online. No worries, it's always fun to see people there. I stopped at Target briefly before heading home to meet up with Richard, who was finally going to install my storm door for me! (Only took 3+ months to find someone to install). Yay that it was warm enough to get done, and now I finally have all my "projects" done. (Yes, I know, something will come up soon, but for NOW, I'm done.)
Sunday (19,822 steps) - RMRR trophy series 10k with Maureen and many other Roost teammates!
After showering I had to go grocery shopping. With A gone I had let my fridge get near empty. Thankfully, once I got THAT done, I was able to go home and start binge watching "Making a Murderer." Obsessed.
Monday (16,795 steps) - After work I decided to do a slow jog at Sloan's Lake - as it would be my last night of "freedom" with A due back from Texas. I opted not to use my headlamp, which made for even slower jogging because it was still freakin' slick out. Stupid winter.

  • 336,731 steps (I'll probably never beat that number)
  • 127.8 miles run (Again, I'll probably never beat that either)
  • No cross training
  • No strength/stretching
Everything Else:
  • I found out I was selected to be an ambassador (one of only six!) for the Endurance Race Series! There are currently 9 trail races on the schedule and it looks like I will be at all or most of them! I ran my first ERS race years ago. The race director is AWESOME, he really listens to his runners and his post race festivities are awesome. Pretty dang excited to add this to my list of things I'll be doing in 2016!
  • Mentioned it in another post, but I also joined the Denver Rocky Mountain Road Runners (RMRR). This group has been around for decades and they have monthly races, as well as training groups. Best part is that A can join me for all these events as well. Looking forward to doing some of these events this year.
  • I hit my one year anniversary at work! No review/raise (yet), but the best thing is that I still am really enjoying my employment here and I still like my attorneys and co-workers.
2016 is shaping up to be a great year!

1 comment:

I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...