Thursday, April 16, 2015

Week in Review (April 7 - April 13)

Tuesday (18,562 steps) - Not in the mood for running. Skipped the gym and did an abs/upper body video at home.
Wednesday (14,360 steps) - Run club!! I haven't been getting pictures lately - because I'm a slacker. I can tell you 1). I forgot a shirt. 2). Thankfully, run club is at a STORE and Phil gave me a sample shirt so I didn't have to run in my bra 3). I tried out some Nike shoes that were very pink, and not too awful. I ran in Nike when I first started running a million years ago. They've come a long way.

Thursday (22,808 steps) - My description of this run was apparently "not great, not terrible." I guess that means it could have been worse. Also did some yoga/stretching. Calves have been out of control still/again.

Friday (13,103 steps) - Pizza Friday!!!
Saturday (20,068 steps) - I gave the option of a few different places to ride her bike while I got a run in. She chose the Highline Canal. The canal is a 60+ mile stretch of dirt. I ran a Fat Ass (36ish miles) on it last year. It is not TOO far away. Threw her bike in the back (a bit later than I would have liked) and we headed out. I was slow, she was patient.

I cannot recall what we did the rest of the day. I imagine it involved sitting - my favorite activity after running.
Sunday (22,978 steps) - A few weeks ago, A and I were given free entries to a 5k in Broomfield. (I actually ran the inaugural race 5 years ago). However, I was already committed to volunteering for the Platte River half marathon with my Roost teammates. I gave my free entry to my dad (totally legit, he registered for it) so that A could still run. I had to get up to be in downtown Littleton by 7:00. We had the first aid station on the course - 2 miles in:

When you have an aid station on a point to point course that early in the race, you are done VERY early. I think we were torn down and cleaned up by 8:30. A group of us went to brunch at a Cajun restaurant down the street. The food was and company was great.

While all THAT was happening, A was killing it up north at her 5k. She had a very solid run! My dad took 3rd in his age group and was psyched to get a medal and a $15 gift card!

After A's race she was heading to a Girl Scout event, so I made the SUPER INTELLIGENT DECISION to go running. I picked the Highline Canal again because it's fairly flat and it was close. Did you know that Cajun food is NOT the best fuel choice for an 8 mile run??

Monday (24,489) - A not so terrible run on the treadmill. Which is funny, since for the second time in a week I forgot an integral item of clothing for running - a sports bra.

  • 136,368 steps
  • 25.7 miles run
  • No cross training
  • 52 minutes of strength/stretching
Everything Else
  • I posted a semi-annual "set me up with a semi-normal single guy" post on FB. I may or may not be communicating with a few and possibly setting up a handful of "dates" over the next few weeks. We shall see. I'm pretty terrible with making plans. But it's been almost 2 years now (?!?!) so I think I've been single long enough...
  • Work is still going great. Last week I finally talking to the Office Manager about relocating my desk so I'm not sitting next to cat lady. She is SUPER nice, but she is extremely messy and it was totally messing with my work mojo. I was able to move without hurting her feelings as the open space is closer to two of the three attorneys I work for.
  • Work has a "step contest" happening right now. We are unfortunately not allowed to use a Fitbit or Garmin Vivo for tracking and the cheapo pedometers we were given didn't work for me. After swapping out two (they were not tracking steps AT ALL), I have given up. :(
  • Uh. That's it.


  1. I am using one of those cheapo step counters too for the work contest. It is horribly inaccurate. At least I am allowed to do the math and if I run 7 miles for instance I can convert it into steps. Guess who cleaned up with all the prizes during our work contest -- especially in the midst of marathon training???

    Glad to see A had a good race. You are giving her something to really boost her self-esteem and self-value. Way to go.

    Hope your calves get better. Sucks to not be able to run pain free.

  2. that's is crazy you can't use your own fitness tracker for the contest, you would kick some butt!

    I haven't run in Nikes in years either, I think since college... and that was a long time ago.

  3. yay for your dad and A!! and, hope the dating is going well!!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (January 7 - January 13)

Tuesday  (10,167 steps) - With Olive's paw still hurting, no walk before walk. I did do a row session (and starting Squid Games 2) befor...