Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week in Review (Jan 21 - Jan 27)

Tuesday - So the most exciting part of my day happened while I was having lunch at work. I cleaned my glasses and this happened:

That meant I "had to" (who am I kidding, I was FINE with it) leave work early so that I could go to the eye doctor. I had plans of going in the near future anyway, since I'm on my last box of contacts. However, I was not expecting to need new glasses as my prescription has actually not changed in the last 2 years. But, my Flex card was loaded at the beginning of the year, so I had the money in my HSA to get new frames (didn't need new lenses!), my contact lens fitting and 4 boxes of contacts. Hurray.

1.5 miles in the basement inferno, and then I actually did some videos!! I did the arms video and tried two new ones - 8 minute abs (Fitness Blender) and something called yoga for runners (not Fitness Blender). Wow, so motivated today.
Wednesday - 1 mile on the treadmill, BodyPump. The triceps track on this release is NUTS. But, it felt maybe a teeny tiny better than last week? Maybe there is hope for me yet!!
Thursday - 4.1 not-so-great miles at the gym. The highlight of my night was when I went into the sauna after my run and the guy I have a crush on was in there with no shirt. I know, I'm totally inappropriate. AT LEAST I DIDN'T TRY TO TAKE A PICTURE. I do have some morals, guys.
Friday - A had a Girl Scout thing that was going to last until 8:30. Sadly, no one was available to go out with me for a beer. So sad! Instead, I went grocery shopping... ALONE. Then, 1.25 miles in the basement inferno, and more videos. (Arms, 8 min abs and quick yoga/stretching video from Fitness Blender).
Saturday - We have been having some unseasonably LOVELY weather for January. L convinced my dad to watch the kids so we could go for a run.... OUTSIDE!! We had to stop and use the bathroom at the rec center on the way out, and L wasn't feel well on the way back, but the last time we ran this section of Ralston Creek we were about a minute slower, for the same number of miles. So, yay us!

I finally wore the INKnBURN pullovers for an outdoor training run. I have used them before as base layers at the end of distance races (after mile 50 of my 100), and I wore one during the FREEZING Route 66, but in general, I haven't used just for a "run of the mill" run. I gotta say, it was GREAT. Also, thumb holes are the best invention ever ever ever ever. I would have one of these for every day of the week if I could afford it!
Sunday - A got an EZ Bake Oven from my mom. She has been asking to make cake pops for WEEKS. I finally agreed, and we set out to make them. The first part, making the doughy brownie part (the bulk of the cake pop) was EASY. The melted chocolate was the hardest thing, EVER, and they didn't really provide the proper equipment in the kit. I think, if A ever convinces me to "bake" ever again, I will stick to brownies or something. This was insanely complicated and time-consuming, but A was pleased with the final product.

Later, 1 mile in the basement inferno, and more videos. (Arms, a new "inner thigh" Fitness Blender video, 8 minute abs, and the Fitness Blender yoga/stretching).
Monday - 4.3 miles at the gym. I tried slowish/easy for the first 2 miles but my legs never seemed to loosen up. I threw in some .10 strides which helped a bit. Overall, not a great run.

Also, it's probably obvious, but I haven't really said anything about it. I started a "run streak" back in November. I wasn't sure how long I was going to let it go, but I think I'll stop on day 100. Monday's run was day 80... I still have a while to go.

Weekly Miles Run - 20.15 miles (7 outside, 13.15 treadmill)
Weekly Cross Training - ZERO
Minutes of Strength Training - 137!!

Weekly Loss - 3.0 pounds
  • Clearly, it must be the vegan, lactose/gluten/sugar/fat free paleo cleanse Magic Diet I have been on.
  •  Juuuuuuuuust kidding. I paid a bit more attention this week to what I was eating.
  •  Related: I didn't go out to eat at ALL last week. Not one time. That has to be a record.
  •  I did, however, go to Sprouts for the first time. I got a ton of spinach, onion, red/green peppers, cucumbers, and a weeks worth of apples for like $6??! WHO KNEW. It's literally BLOCKS from my parents house, so I will be going back for sure.
  • I of course still had the Yogurtland this week, but only 1.5 donuts. The German chocolate danish was TOTALLY worth it.
 Everything Else
  • Sigh. So, Jessa was in my the Office Manager's office last week and noticed that she was posting a new ad on Craigslist for the secretarial position that IS STILL EMPTY. She told me the pay range, and I was PISSED to discover that they are offering a new hire more money than I currently make. SO, after discussing with a multitude of people, I decided to do what any normal person would do. In the midst of applying for a decent amount of jobs, I purposely applied for the job at my own firm. So... this happened:
  • Luckily, I knew exactly what she wanted to see me about, and I told (mostly) the truth. I CANNOT AFFORD TO WORK HERE. Parking expenses eat away at my cash flow, and the new health care laws mean I can no longer pay for A's insurance pre-tax. I have less money NOW than I did when I started, and that's AFTER my negligible raise last summer. So, she said she would talk to my boss and see about getting me a raise, but she did NOT want to tell him about me applying for "her" job. So, I ask, what on earth would the incentive be for my boss to give me an "out of cycle" raise? I'm not optimistic, but at least they know I'm looking. (TO CLARIFY - I had ZERO intentions of actually wanting the other position - this was more of a "I know what you are doing and that you don't value your current employees" type thing. They would never transfer me to that position as I currently have very specific duties for other attorneys and chances are slim to none they will offer me a raise to compete with what they are offering a new person. I want them to know I am a flight risk!!)
  • Related: That job I interviewed for back in December? I got the rejection email yesterday. Le sigh. 
  • And, after this week, I am going to re-close the online dating window. For real, I must either have the worst profile on earth or the skeeviest and creepiest people in the universe seem to be attracted to me. My favorite message this week:


  1. so why wouldn't they consider you for the job? I don't think that it is unreasonable to hire within and I cannot believe that someone would think it weird for you to want to make more money. Is it the same job you are doing? Hire you for that job then search for a new hire for your job. Everyone is happy.

  2. i die. A big and beautiful woman.

  3. With exception to this past sunday, you're having a better january in CO then we are having in TN!
    I think its great you told them about you $$ ordeal, these days you have to sometimes ask for a raise before you'll get one- good luck!

  4. Props on limiting to 1.5 donuts. I have had slightly less self-control in that department.

    So.....Grand Canyon ultra in May????

  5. and we are getting #allthesnow right now! WTF. good for you for telling the peeps at work that you deserve more!! also, super proud of all your eating in!! saving the waistline and the $$ :)

  6. Your employers aren't playing fair. Why would they offer a new hire more than you? If you quit based on that, they'll have to hire someone at higher than your rate (presumably) and retrain. I would request a higher salary at once and discuss the cost of training a new employee. That's not up-front behavior from your company.

  7. I would be so upset if they offered a new hire more than I was getting paid. That is so not fair! I hope they give you a raise! Your Ink N burn clothes are so pretty.

  8. Man, I am so pissed for you! I hate when companies value a new employee more than the one who has put in years of work.

    I've always thought Sprouts was way more expensive than the regular grocery store...I can't believe I've missed out on good savings all this time. I have one like 2 blocks from my work.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...