Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week in Review (Jan. 14 - Jan. 20)

Tuesday - 2 miles in the basement inferno, 17 minutes of strength (arms, 8:00 of planks - 1:00, 1:00, 3:00, 1:00, 2:00).
Wednesday - Still spirit week at the gym, and today was superhero day! A wanted to join in the fun, so I let her borrow the Incredibles tank I wore for Tink 2012. 2 miles on the treadmill and then BodyPump with L. Holy crap, I'm still soooo weak.

Thursday - Got up early and ran a mile in the basement inferno before work. Because AFTER work, I was on my way to the airport for Tink!! My flight actually landed early and Heather picked me up around 10. In bed shortly after.
Friday - Heather's kids had school, so to get my run out of the way before we melted, we ran a mile after walking the youngest to school. You can't tell, but it's pretty much a million degrees already. 1.25 easy-ish miles.

Next stop was heading over to INKnBURN. I have only been there for the warehouse sale that I went to last September, but it was insanely busy and crowded. I wanted to stop by and see the operations and meet Nicole, who now heads up the ambassador program. They have some REALLY awesome products in the works that I can't wait to share with all of you!! I picked up a few of the new pullovers (pretty much a staple for me in winter here).

I believe we spent the remainder of the day watching "educational" tv, which included the "World's Fattest Man" and a few episodes of Hoarders. I think I ate all the things, but I cannot remember. Again, in bed fairly early.
Saturday - Up early again. Heather and I headed to Disneyland to volunteer for the kids races. We were lucky enough to be in charge of handing out medals, which was the funnest EVER. Other people's kids that I only have to see for a few seconds are the most adorable. Also volunteering with us was Sheila, and she is hilarious. Glad I got to do this!

Since we were already at Disney, we walked over to the expo to pick up our packets. It was still PACKED. We were in and out in just a few minutes as neither of us saw anything we wanted to buy.

I believe the afternoon was again spent watching tv. I had to get my mile in, but waited until dusk for it to cool down a bit. Pretty nice sunset!

Delicious enchiladas for dinner. The early part of the evening was spent getting Heather's oldest ready for her formal dance. I hope Heather posts a picture or two, she looked so pretty!! We were in bed early-ish.
Sunday - TINK HALF!!
We finished much earlier than expected, so we sat at Starbucks for about 40 minutes before heading to Souplantation where we met up with Julie and her new (well, 8 month old) baby for brunch!! So great to see her and catch up. Before I knew it, it was time to head back to the airport. Womp. Where did the weekend go???
Monday - I probably could have done more, but this was easy-ish, so I stopped after 3.25 miles. Somewhat of a progressive run (1 @ 5.5, 1 @ 5.6, .25 @ 5.7, .25 @ 5.8, .25 @ 5.9, .25 @ 6.0, .25 @ 6.1). I finally finished "Orange is the New Black" so now I'll need to find a new show to watch at the gym. I had fleeting aspirations of doing some strength training when I got home, but yeah, that didn't happen.

Weekly Miles Run - 24.23 (13.68 racing, 2.3 outside, 6 treadmill)
Weekly Cross Training - ZERO
Minutes of Strength Training - 77 (only thanks to going to BodyPump)

Weekly Gain - 1.4 pounds
  • Let's be real. I didn't try this week. At all. And that's fine. I was on vacation for 3 days in SoCal, and I ate pretty much everything. It's not my fault that Heather is the best cook ever, that there were donuts and cinnamon rolls and Halloween candy. Personally, I think I did her a FAVOR by eating it all. (No really, thanks Heather, you're the best hostess EVER!)

  • Beer was completely in check this week. I had only ONE beer all week, and that was Saturday night.
Everything Else
  • So, we are in week three of me being the only secretary. The really great news is that we have ANOTHER attorney joining our firm, so really, this is MORE WORK FOR ME. Hip hip hooray!!!
  • Related: I did finally hear back from the place I interviewed in December, they were still finishing up interviews and thought they would be contacting people to return for additional interviews in the next week. MAAAAYBE.
  • OK, so I'm in week 2 (?) of being back on the online "dating" thing. I say "dating" because for REAL, I seem to attract the weirdest and creepiest people ever. I have gone on zero dates. I am likely giving this up soon (again), as I'm not really into it and I appear to be the only normal person online.
  • For example (there are messages before AND after this, including asking if I want to go hiking). I have never, not even one time, responded to this guy. But, it's a good example of who I'm attracting:


  1. FYI, Friday was the night of the cuban roast pork.

  2. I so want a big greasy burger and fries now. YUM. Glad you had a great time with Heather, you both had cute outfits.

  3. You guys make me (almost) want to do a Disney race.
    I think your educational TV, is, educational. You must add the Real Housewives to that stellar lineup.
    I'm sorry about the online dating. Hang in there.

  4. ooh, H sounds like the best host. I'm starving while I read this...so that isn't helping. I've decided "not caring" is the best way to get through the dating. When we don't look, or care, it will happen.

  5. You and A are so cute! Now that is a week- everything from an awesome Disney race to an online dating creeper. You are one busy lady! I am 99% sure I am going to do the Greenland 50K- my parents live out by there so if you are thinking of running it it would be super fun to meet you or we could always just meet up and get froyo too;).

  6. I met a lot of awkward guys online, then decided to not take it too seriously and was drinking a lot of wine while being on match. One night (actually the last night before I cancelled the membership) I saw the profile of my now husband. Again, I went in there with 0 expectations and it turned out great. Hang in there!!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...