Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Retro Run Pics and The Knee

If you missed my recap, you can read it here.

They might not have had water, but they had photographers at a few points on the course:

Start Line
Start Line
Between Mile 1 and 2
Mile 3
Mile 3
The Knee

I had PT yesterday afternoon and the woman was MYSTIFIED at my pain. She seemed annoyed that I couldn't better pinpoint it and that certain tests weren't hurting when she thought they should. My "homework" until I go back on Thursday is four different exercises designed to strengthen my hips/gluts. FYI, I can definitely TELL that I'm weak there as just doing these simple things were pretty hard. Huh. So there you go.

In other news... I ran TWO WHOLE MILES last night on the treadmill at my regular(ish) run pace - 10:17 and my knee did not hurt. (I had permission from the PT to run - she suggested I do all my runs for a while on the treadmill if at all possible). I'm waiting to hear back from my coach on where we go from here.


  1. Those are such cute pictures!! And that's good that they are letting you get some running in...sending good vibes your way that you recover quickly!

  2. your pics look fun... can we talk about the craziness of Js pants, WOW!

  3. My PT was never able to give me a diagnosis from my knee pain either because it was so random. I could do plyo jumps like no problem, go up stairs, - it was just the running that hurt.

    The homework they gave me ended up being a part-time job because each week I'd get another sheet of moves to add in. I know when I was diligent in doing the moves, the pain was gone, but I was also only running 1-2 miles at a time.

  4. Those pictures turned out awesome!

    I'm impressed that you ran 2 miles on the treadmill. That's 2 miles more than I can stand on that thing.

  5. Bummer they couldn't figure out what was up with your knee, I am going to PT this week for the first time and hope they aren't clueless with me. Love all the great pictures! Looks like fun!

  6. I'm glad you were able to get a pain-free run in! Hopefully your PT will figure out what the heck is going on. It's so frustraing when something is wrong but you can't figure out why there's a problem. Also, your race pics are adorable--thanks for sharing them! I love the bright orange socks!

  7. Yeah for 2 pain-free miles!! That's a start!! :)

  8. I had anterior knee pain, back in May. It's really related o an old hamstring injury. I will never undermine the power of a good stretch. I still tape it on long runs and track work outs - love RockTape 'cause it sticks even when you sweat. Good luck!

  9. Love the photos! You girls look great.

    I hope you get the knee figured out.

  10. If the treadmill works for you...go for it. Hopefully you guys will be able to sort out the knee soon. Speedy recovery B!

  11. You're so bad A$$. Seriously, I want to be just like you! Good luck with the knee, do whatever works for now. :) Jessica Washburn

    My new domain/address is sweatismysanity.com (formerly runningtobeskinny.com). Take Care.

  12. Well you certainly all look really cute - even if you do have your knee decorated with tape! I hope it gets back to normal soon!!

  13. loving these pictures! looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

    also, if you aren't satisfied with your PT... mine is AMAZING and would happily send you her way!

    also, the quaky chiro i went to told me to run on nothing but a treadmill too. ...it turned out that wasn't exactly what was best for me.. AT ALL. made it worse.

    i'm now running on flat dirt bike paths. not sure if you have any in your area. just remember that treadmill running can simulate downhill running & can tend to jerk your legs back.

    maybe research it a little!


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...