Thursday, March 15, 2012

Three Things Thursday


2. It's now soon enough to start looking at a forecast.

3. I am going to start packing. Soon. I need to get my food in order. I need to have LOTS of outfits packed. I don't want to forget anything by waiting until the last minute.

Did I mention I have no one coming with me? No pacers? No friends? No family? Yep. That's how I roll.


  1. No one! Oh wow, that's even more impressive. Gotta say, I will be quite jealous (well, maybe not 24 hours into the race), I have a huge, huge love for Utah - it is gorgeous out there.

  2. i wish I could be there to run with you!! i can’t believe its almost here!

  3. the weather is looking pretty awesome! That is pretty much how I roll too.

  4. I can't believe you are doing this race alone. I know you will do awesome!

  5. No one with you??? Oh no!! I wish I would live closer...We could do a blogger meet up while running :)


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...