Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Week in Review (January 8 - January 14)

Tuesday (13,188 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Walk to the lake with A after work.
Wednesday (23,844 steps) - Boulder run club! For the first time EVER, I was able to get through the first 2ish miles without a single walk break. Woot! I felt pretty strong the whole run.
We had enough time to color A's hair after run club - she loves it! (Better pics to follow at some point).
Thursday (11,475 steps) - Core class during lunch, encountered the Stock Show parade on my walk back to the office. 
Walking at Berkeley Park.
I convinced A that she had time to put highlights in my hair.
And it turned out FANTASTIC (pics are actually from the next day, obviously)

Friday (9,905 steps) - Not sure how I didn't get 10,000 steps for the day - weird! Rain/snow all day long. Met up with friends for lunch at the new pizza place downtown. Grocery shopping. Went for a walk with A to the lake (yes, even though it was snowing).

Grocery shopping. Went for a walk with A to the lake (yes, even though it was snowing).
Saturday (20,344 steps) - Up early and decided that since it was no longer snowing that we would attempt to go to Brainard Lake for snowshoeing since it was an off week for Runners Edge. The roads were actually not awful, although I had to drive a lot slower than I normally do. Saw two moose on the way!

Snowshoeing was a lot of fun and not as cold or windy as I feared it might be. Over 5 miles around the lake.

Then we went to James Peak Brewery in Nederland for lunch with Michelle and Scott.

Home to shower, then met up with Kristin and family for Kokopelli's 5th anniversary.
AND THEN, down to Dulce's for Second Saturday. Busiest day ever.

Sunday (16,192 steps) - Slept in!!! Head up to Boulder for the Leadville Lottery reveal. Once again, even running a 10 minute pace was too slow to keep up with the group, so I kinda got lost. Luckily, it's "just Boulder," and I was able to get my bearings without too much difficulty. Ended up running 6 miles (instead of 5), and a pretty fast pace.

Panel was interesting, and fun to see so many people there, lots of friends got in! Spur of the moment decision (thanks, Jared) to sign Ariel up for the Heavy Half (and apparently, I'm in for the marathon again. Sure. Why not.) We shut the place down, dinner, bed early.
Monday (16,031 steps) - Core class during lunch. Stapleton run club after! A actually decided to run with me and paced me for a pretty speedy 5K.
Station 26 after for beers - it was great to chat with Carol, we never see her now that we don't run much in Denver.

  • 110,979 steps
  • 15.9 miles run (is this right? haha)
  • 3 trips to the gym, snowshoeing & a few walks

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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...