Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week in Review (April 8 - April 14)

Tuesday - 35 minute walk on the treadmill during my lunch break. 2.3ish miles of hills, tested out the ankle with an easy jog the last 5 minutes. After work, I did the video Heather talked me into trying... 1000 Calorie Workout Video: 94 Minute Insane HIIT & Bodyweight Workout: Attempt at Your Own Risk. Well, the name alone should tell you that I almost DIED doing this video. I was literally screaming and weeping at the computer, begging it to have mercy. (PS - Heather quit this one, lol)
Wednesday - Another hill interval walk with some light jogging at 2-3% for about 8 minutes of it. 2.2 miles in 32 minutes. After work, 4 miles in 15 minutes on the bike, and then BodyPump. DEAD from yesterday's video. I barely survived.
Thursday - Hill program run during lunch. Ended up being more of a speed workout at the end, running at 6.0 with 1% incline. 4+ miles with average pace around 11:30, which included a decent amount of walking at the higher inclines. Had planned on the gym, but was so exhausted that I skipped. OH WELL.
Friday - Nada. It was my two year anniversary at work, so I got Thai food with coworkers during lunch instead.
Saturday - 1.5ish "easy" miles with 6 minutes at 2%. Then did another mile of hills, walked half and jogged EASY the second half. In the afternoon, A and I attended a tea party with her Girl Scout troop. The girls really had a blast dressing up, but didn't like the tea so much.

Sunday - Race for Open Space half marathon.

Also did the Upper Body 5x5x5 Pulse Workout - this one is just ok. A was supposed to go to a birthday party in the afternoon, but it was cancelled because of the impending weather and poor road conditions. I found out later that the mom took "some" of the kids that had RSVP'd to Dave and Busters. A was not one of those kids. Without going into it too much, I'm pretty upset with how it was all handled.
Monday - Forgot my clothes so I couldn't do anything during lunch. Skipped the gym and did a new Butt & Thigh video.

Weekly Miles Run - 18.73 (13.1 racing, 5.63 treadmill). I thought maybe my ankle was bothering me, so I took it a bit easy on the running.
Weekly Cross Training - 5.5 miles of hill/walking/easy jogging, 4 miles on the bike.
Minutes of Strength - 217 minutes

Weekly Loss - 1.0 pounds

  • I didn't really eat the best AGAIN over the weekend, but it could have been worse. I contained most of the crazy to Saturday. I really have to get this under control. It's really a non-issue during the week.
  • I've added beer back into my diet, let's see if that staves off my ravenous appetite.
Everything Else 
  • Work has been really busy, which is a nice change.
  • Weather is being schizophrenic. 70's at the end of the week, snow and teens on the weekend. Ready for warmer temperatures, but I hope we actually have a spring this year.
  • Other than that... NOTHING. Boring week over here.


  1. Lol! Stop it. I didn't QUIT, I just for real could not follow the kickboxing steps! Remember I did another 90min video, after the first 10min of this one!

    I'd stab someone over that party nonsense. What the heck.

  2. That 1000 calorie workout looks killer! I'll maybe have to try half of it sometime =)

    I also just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster award in my last blog post!


  3. pretty nice blog, following :)

  4. i saw that video on their instagram page and thought HELL NO. Good for you for doing it. Girl Scouts, I miss those days!!

  5. Lots of carbs in those pics - add some protein and healthy fats to stave off the hunger pangs. Never eat a carb w/o some protein. Maybe that will help?

  6. Ditto what HalfCrazed Runner said. Lots of veggies, good amount of protein and fat, and few carbs (at least grain-based ones) has made a WORLD of difference in how I feel during most runs and CF workouts. Maybe give it a try?


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...