Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WTF Wednesday

I just got the above in email earlier today. I booked my tickets for Goofy EIGHT WEEKS AGO. Today, Frontier Airlines completely eliminated the 5:00 pm flight I was on. I cannot be on a plane by 1:00 pm - I will be in the middle of running a marathon FOR FUN at Disney World.

As is typical, it is up to ME to incur any costs as a result. Which, obviously, are either re-booking with someone else (Southwest is more for a return flight than I booked round trip on Frontier) OR I stay one more night, missing a day of (unpaid) work and an additional night at Disney (plus food, etc).

IT PISSES ME OFF that airlines get away with this. WHY ARE THEY NOT RESPONSIBLE TO HOLD UP THEIR END OF A BARGAIN?? The empty "apologies" and the "we don't reimburse for schedule changes" crap has GOT to stop. If I were to need a different flight, I'd get billed with a $50 fee PLUS fare changes. The airlines don't have to absorb ANYTHING.

So. Incredibly. Frustrated.

And the bottom line? Frontier, two considerably big flight changes in ONE day, plus the crap you pulled with not seating me with A? You are on your last strike. I don't care that you ARE cheapest. Clearly, all that matters to you is the bottom line.


  1. did you tweet this? Frontier needs to see this.

  2. did you tweet this? Frontier needs to see this.

  3. That just sucks!

    I've been noticing Frontier reducing flights lately. I've just used up most of my frequent flyer miles because I figure I'm not going to be able to use them soon.

    Hope you can figure out a cheap solution!

  4. What a bummer! Sugar Magnolia is right - go tweet this, post on Facebook etc.

  5. I hate when airlines do that! Obviously you had a specific time you needed your flight your you wouldn't have booked it!

    The last few years Frontier has really gone down hill. We only fly Southwest if possible and have been really happy with them.

  6. Of course. Poor you! I mean seriously, for as much travel as you do I feel like the good travel karma HAS to come your way eventually, right??


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