Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Week in Review (September 3 - September 9)

Tuesday (10,267 steps) - Bonus work from home day since Joyce is on vacation.  Treated myself ot a delicious Dunkin coffee.
Walk with Olive at lunch.
Wednesday (10,217 steps) - Work from home bonus day again. Took Olive for a walk at lunch.
Saw an owl again. 
Thursday (10,323 steps) - Work from hoooooome again. My impulse buy from an Instagram ad (heated hair straightening brush) arrived early so I straightened my hair (in 12.5 minutes!!) before meeting Ariel for coffee.
Long walk with Olive at lunch. I think we went to Torchy's for dinner?
Friday (14,337 steps) - Wash Park with Olive and the gang. When we got to Wash Park, Olive seemed to have developed a slight limp, I chalked it up to some of the rocky sections on the north side bothering her feet. By the time we got about halfway through the workday, her limp was way worse and I spent about 45 minutes calling every vet in town until I found one that had an opening and got her in. She didn't see anything or think anything was broken and gave her some anti-inflammatory pills.
Happy hour at 4 Noses and we randomly ordered from a new to us food truck - Norwegian food (?) that was really delicious. 
Saturday (15,154 steps) - Probably stayed in bed too long before going to South Table for our run. It was definitely sunny and warm, but we didn't have plans to be out too long. 

Initially we were going to do our "normal" loop, but then I figured we could run on the Lava Loop if it was actually open, cutting off a bit of our distance. It WAS open, and we happened to run into Victor and Brook. We ended up stopping at Parry's on the way home for lunch.
No dog walk today, trying to make sure Olive's paw is ok. Olive had her grooming appointment, which meant we were at 4 Noses again.
Ben ordered us Qdoba for dinner, yum!
Sunday (12,614 steps) - Special day! We drove down to Wash Park for Olive's photo shoot! She got invited to be in the calendar for the rescue group I adopted her from. She did REALLY good for them, and it was perfect timing that her grooming was the day before!
On the way home we stopped at the Brunch Run (being held at Wonderyard) for a walk with friends.

The unfortunately didn't even allow dogs on their patio, so we headed out right after. I had to run to REI to exchange a pair of pants, which ended up taking forever. Then we went up to Recess for brunch on their dog friendly patio. Mo met us there with Colfax. Headed home to rest and change before Kristin picked me up to go to the Cheap Trick/Journey/Def Leppard concert at Coors Field! We met up with the rest of the group at a hold in the wall bar on Park and Blake (that was slow and terrible food) before walking over. Cheap Trick was pretty good, but I was never really into them. 
Journey was AWESOME and I'm really glad I got to see them. I can't believe they have been a band for FIFTY YEARS?!

I had seen Def Leppard before, but wow, their performance here was NOT good. The singer wasn't great and the sound/lights was terrible. Kristin and I gave them about 45 minutes before deciding we would rather just go home early. Still was after 11!
Monday (21,017 steps) - Work from home. Went for my run relatively early, trying to beat the heat. For some reason, I opted to run to the north side of the lake. I always hate running that direction, yet did it anyway. I didn't enjoy it.
Took Olive for a walk at lunch. Her paw is definitely better, thankfully.
Did some driving after work and picked up grocery orders at both Target and King Soopers. Dinner was at Torchy's since Ben got off work really late. 

  • 93,929 steps
  • 11.44 miles run
  • 17.93 miles walk
  • 15 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

Front Range Ultra Dayze (FRUD) 100M (Race Recap)

Loveland, CO
Saturday, August 31
100 Mile attempt #21
Weather - HOT, sunny

I was the very first person (again) to sign up for Ultraventure Supplement's newest race, the Front Range Ultra Dayze (FRUD) in Loveland, CO. While I love the organization and race directors, this race was basically all the things I do not like. A "looped" course, late start and in the summer. I was unsure of how the race would go without a ton of running since the Summit 200 DNF.

Race morning
I had been helping at packet pick up and with about 15 minutes before the race started I used the bathroom and got some selfies.

Me, Ben, Caolan, Maureen & Lisa
Other than finishing 100 miles, I didn't really have a plan. Ben had signed up last minute and thought he was going to win and/or do really well, so we didn't have any plans to run together at all. I lined up somewhere in the middle. Ben took off pretty quick and I put headphones in and planned to run at least a full loop before beginning my run/walk intervals.

The forecast was for low 90's and I knew it was going to be rough. I spent a bit chatting with Eric, a guy that I met at Happy Camper a few years ago, but he ended up hanging back and said I was going faster than he wanted (which no one ever says). 

I ran the first full 2 miles without walking and then maybe another mile before I started in on  my run/walk intervals. I started with 3 minutes running and 1 minute walking and that worked for a bit. The heat was making me a bit nauseous - and it didn't help that it was full sun! About the only thing that sounded good was watermelon and apple sauce packets. I knew that wasn't going to be enough calories for the day, but I was eating what I could and mainly worrying about just staying hydrated. It was so warm that doing a 2 mile loop meant that I was drinking an entire flask each time, which seemed crazy. I was briefly seeing Ben on an out/back section but we didn't run together at all. Finally, I sent him a message and asked him if he wanted to do a quick happy hour at the camper - Liz, who was doing the 12 hour, opted to join us.
At some point Ben and I did a loop or two together, but he was really struggling with the heat and decided to take a break at some point.  We finally got some relief from the heat when the sun started to set. 
I did more intervals for 3-4 loops and then decided to take a break. Not because I was tired, just because I didn't really feel like being out. I tried to take a nap in the camper but gave up (which again, since I wasn't really tired made sense anyway). Wasted more than an hour. Went out again and did more intervals for 3-4 loops. Back to the camper to try to sleep. I set an alarm for 75 minutes. Got REALLY cold, but did not sleep. Even though I was still awake, I set it again for another 75 minutes, telling myself I would rather finish when the sun came up. Stupid. Since I felt "cold," I first grabbed my new hoodie and figured I would do a loop in that - then of course after a few minutes I got hot. I decided for the next loop that I would try the R1, but same thing. Too hot. Then of course, the sun came up for real and it was a zillion degrees with zero clouds again.
Ben was awake after having taken maybe 8 hours off. He said he wasn't feeling great but he would head over to the start to finish the loop and decide what he wanted to do. I tried to remind him that with the race set up that he could literally walk the rest of the race and still finish. I switched to short sleeve shirt again, and headed out, thinking he would catch up at some point.
Turns out, he decided to drop at 44 miles. UGH, so I was going to have to do the rest of these miles alone. Although, to be fair, I had been doing them alone this whole time (for the most part). I was still doing some intervals, although they were getting shorter and shorter. At one point he did bring me a Ziggi's protein smoothie - and it was DELICIOUS. I had initially hoped to be done by lunch, but with my 4+ hour stop overnight, this was definitely taking forever. It was also a HUGE mistake to not do more miles at night. I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel when I had single digit miles. I switched into my crocs for the last loop because I was getting super tired of wearing shoes. Finally done.

Ben was at the finish line and got some pictures. I can't even remember what I did after finishing, but I think we stuck around to chat for a few minutes before going offsite to a brewery for a beer and food.

Overall Time - 32:31:09
Overall Place - 7/22
Gender Place - 2/8
Garmin Time - 32:31:32 (Run 10:46:22, Walk 1537:38, Idle 6:07:31)
Garmin Distance - 103.14
Elevation Gain - 1,985'
Miles 1-10 - 11:23, 11:33, 12:22, 12:08, 12:15, 11:59, 12:30, 13:19, 12:55, 12:40
Miles 11-20 - 14:36, 13:42, 16:08, 13:02, 15:38, 12:59, 13:42, 16:52, 17:29, 14:58
Miles 21-30 - 17:24, 13:59, 17:56, 14:03, 18:47, 17:39, 46:55, 17:36, 15:39, 13:00
Miles 31-40 - 13:20, 12:41, 14:49, 13:28, 18:26, 14:08, 15:58, 21:00, 16:42, 23:21
Miles 41-50 - 18:25, 23:25, 13:42, 20:49, 13:15, 13:31, 13:38, 15:06, 13:33, 13:17
Miles 51-60 - 13:37, 19:30, 13:29, 16:45, 14:55, 18:51, 16:34, 1:15:38, 16:48, 16:43
Miles 61-70 - 15:19, 15:50, 15:38, 2:37:37, 18:03, 14:22, 15:26, 14:13, 14:41, 16:53
Miles 71-80 - 16:25, 16:31, 23:30, 18:28, 17:57, 16:08, 23:42, 15:52, 27:09, 18:40
Miles 81-90 - 23:51, 18:59, 35:44, 18:16, 19:58, 15:19, 14:52, 14:52, 17:09, 16:00
Miles 91-100 - 21:52, 15:09, 17:21, 15:44, 20:15, 16:22, 17:32, 20:27, 21:44, 22:47
Miles 101-104ish - 20:48, 21:51, 19:17, 17:43

There was one girl who started the 100 mile on Sunday and was running really well, but based on the other finishers, I was actually looking to podium for the females. I had to wait until Monday to confirm, but the fast gal dropped and I got 2nd Female! I hate the coulda would shoulda, but if I hadn't spent so much time in the camper, I definitely could have won this one. But super happy with a 2nd place finish on a horrifically hot day.

  • I still do not like loop courses. I did this race to support the race directors. I will not run it again (unless I do a shorter timed distance), but I will come up and volunteer again. The event itself is fun!
  • Good swag! Dry bag and beanie vs. a shirt, although they had them for purchase (both pre-sale and at the event), plus stickers, etc.
  • Course was very well marked, never went more than probably 20 feet without seeing a flag and/or reflective. (I did assist with confirming markings were in place before day one of the race.
  • Multiple distances for everyone! 200 mile, 100 mile, 100 hour, 72 hour, 48 hour, 24 hour, 12 hour and 6 hour (although the 6 hour will not be back for next year).
  • One aid station, with lots of food options.
  • Bathroom access on multiple parts of the course.
  • Mix of sidewalk and packed dirt with a small section of rocky gravel. Terrain was fine, but man, it is very exposed, so on a sunny day it is HOT HOT HOT.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Week in Review (August 27 - September 2)

Tuesday (17,862 steps) - Rower and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Climbed the Empire State Building on the StairMaster and weights at lunch.

Wednesday (22,312 steps) - Olive walk before work. Did my tempo run at lunch.
I hate running 9x3 minutes "fast" and it was a million degrees. I ended up only doing 5 repeats - but at least I finished all of them in the pace range, unlike the last time I did these. Salsa's for dinner.
Thursday (11,444 steps) - Up early to drive to Loveland to volunteer! First job was to run the loop and make sure all the markings were in place.
Outside of an hour of packet pickup, it was pretty slow and I was able to get all my work done on the laptop.
Decided to head out in time to drop Olive off at home and meet Ben at Torchy's for dinner.
Friday (16,174 steps) - Up early to take Olive for a bit of a longer walk before going in to the office. We actually saw an owl!
After work we had to finish up packing and get the camper ready to drive back up to Loveland for the race. Ariel came home to spend the weekend with Olive so we didn't need to find a dog sitter. We actually got out basically as planned and the drive wasn't that bad. We got Shelly set up and went to a dive bar in town for dinner - it was pretty delicious!
It was a bit later than I would have liked before we got to sleep since we ate late.
Saturday (111,723 steps) - I had set an alarm for 7:30 although I woke up before that. Probably the best night's sleep I've ever had in Shelly - it was nice to have good sleep the whole week leading into this! Ben and I went to Ziggi's for breakfast and "coffee" - yes, we got pumpkin spice.
We got back to the camper and were getting things ready when we came across another loose dog. I swear we are a magnet for them. Checked around and no one seemed to know who it belong to, so we had to call animal control. Thankfully, the dog was chipped and lived nearby.
Front Range Ultra Dayze (FRUD) - 100 miler!
Sunday (107,868 steps) - Front Range Ultra Dayze (FRUD) 100 miler, continued. By the time I was off the course, we were hungry and thirsty. We had found there were quite a few breweries in town and the Skybear came recommended and wasn't too far away.
The beer was ok, and the mac n' cheese was pretty good.
We also saw a guy bring a cat into the brewery, so that was fun. I was getting tired, so we headed back to the race area where Shelly was. We were going to sit outside and cheer on runners, but I was really congested, so Ben gave me a Benadryl, and I was basically out within a half hour.
Monday (10,298 steps) - I can't remember how early I got up, but I had slept ... ok. We walked over to the start/finish to see how people had fared overnight That's when I found out that I ended up being second female (!) and got my award!
Ben got coffee for us and then was starting to clean up the camper and get her all loaded up and ready to go. I stayed behind and chatted with other runners that were STILL out on course.

We decided we didn't necessarily want to be gone all day, so we left late morning, with Ben wanting to stop at 4 Noses on the way home. Ariel had already walked Olive (and headed back to school), so we were able to sit inside in the glorious air conditioning. We got the Korean BBQ and some beer.
Went home to unpack and get cleaned up. Ben found out I had never seen "Apocalypse Now" so we started watching it, but it was kinda boring and I was falling asleep. Amanda was working, so we went to Torchy's for some queso. By the time we got home, walked Olive, and finished watching the movie, it was time for bed. Shortest weekend ever. 

  • 297,681 steps
  • 109.95 miles run
  • 13.35 miles walked
  • 44 minutes of cardio
  • 20 minutes of strength

Week in Review (September 3 - September 9)

Tuesday  (10,267 steps) - Bonus work from home day since Joyce is on vacation.  Treated myself ot a delicious Dunkin coffee. Walk with Olive...