Monday, August 13, 2018

Run the Rockies half marathon (Race Recap)

Saturday, August 11
Frisco, CO
Half Marathon #182
Weather - Perfect!

Even though I knew I would not be recovered from Burning River, I wanted to run this one again. This would be the third year in a row up in Frisco running the "Run the Rockies" trail half marathon. I definitely think this is one of the prettiest courses I have run, and the low price tag doesn't hurt.

Thanks to previous blog posts, I knew that if I arrived by 7 I would be there in plenty of time for the 8:00 start and I'd have a good parking spot. I got up at 5:15 and was out the door by 5:40, arriving right at 7, and once again was able to park in the closest lot.

I signed my waiver and picked up my bib and goodie bag (first time for this!) and then sat in the car and ate my pop tart. I used the port-o-potties a few times and chatted with Tom, Lynette, Donna and Randy prior to the start.
Tom insisted that he wanted to run a few miles with me, which was a bit intimidating, since I know 1. how fast he is, and 2. how much this was going to hurt after running 100M only two weeks earlier.

The race started on time-ish (maybe a minute or two after 8). Tom and I started towards the middle of the pack, and I worked pretty hard to keep my pace down. We would run the first quarter mile or so on paved multi-use path before heading onto the trail. The first few miles are mostly flat and not too technical. Donna ended up leading the pack on this section near the lake. It didn't seem fast to me at the time, although comparing splits to last year, I ran this much faster. I was able to run the first two miles all the way to the road at the campground without walking! I knew the harder sections were yet to come.
I grabbed some water and a couple of gummy bears before heading back out. We moved onto the more rooted single track, and most of us stumbled over roots. Randy was the only one to actually fall here, but he scraped up his knees and kept on.
One of my favorite sections, although I spent nearly two miles right behind this guy
Donna was still leading the pack and the pace was mostly easy and I was feeling ok until we exited the trees and got to the more exposed section with climbing.

Even though it wasn't that warm (temperature-wise), the sun was H-O-T. Until about mile 6 I was doing fine. Then my legs decided they were done. Which was unfortunate since I had half the race left. I tried to enjoy myself and ran whenever/wherever I could. I was a bit sad that my legs were SO exhausted that I couldn't even blaze the downhills.
I was really happy when we got back to the campground. As much as I like this course, I was ready to be done. Tom still wanted me to lead so he knew when I was walking, and somewhere around 11.5 miles in I tripped over a root that I didn't see and went flying. First fall all summer! Run walk to the finish, and I was pretty pleased to have finished only a minute slower than last year! Taking out the fall and I probably could have been faster. Since Lynette ran the 10K, she was done already and got some pictures of Tom and I heading into the finish.

Official Time - 2:53:04
Division Place - 17/22
Garmin Time - 2:52:54
Garmin Distance - 12.92 miles
Garmin Pace - 13:23 (last year was 13:21!)
Elevation Gain - 984'
Mile 1 - 11:13
Mile 2 - 12:09
Mile 3 - 13:39
Mile 4 - 14:12
Mile 5 - 14:04
Mile 6 - 15:27
Mile 7 - 13:19
Mile 8 - 12:39
Mile 9 - 15:20
Mile 10 - 11:34
Mile 11 - 14:21
Mile 12 - 13:24
Mile 12.9ish - 12:36
Immediately I headed to the day lodge so I could clean up from my fall, then got my pizza and beer. Like years past, stuck around for a while after talking to everyone. I'll be back next year!
  • You really get a lot of "bang for your buck" with this race. I registered the end of March and it was only $40. No additional fees. You get a shirt (this year is a soft cotton again), and for the first time we had "medals" (it's a "three in one" - medal, coaster & bottle opener). Last year and the year before we got pint glasses.
  • There are four aid stations for the half marathon, which is plenty. I ran with a handheld again and was fine.
  • The view are A-MAZING. I will for sure be back next year, it's so pretty!! I wasn't really able to get as many pictures this year, mainly because I was with the "pack" more, so it was harder being on single track.

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