Monday, August 25, 2014

Runapalooza Half Marathon (Race Recap)

Saturday, August 23
Arvada, CO
Half Marathon #114
Colorado Half #50
Weather - SUNNY, warm

One of the last races put on by All-Out-Multisport that I haven't run yet was the Runapalooza. Located about ten minutes from my house, it was a no brainer. Even though the race started at 7, we didn't need to drop off the kids until about 6:15. We arrived with more than a half hour to spare, but the parking lots were already pretty full. I think this was one of the first races this series has sold out, so it was more crowded than usual.

We were able to use the bathrooms inside the rec center, so that was nice. We headed outside with about 8 minutes to spare, knowing that the race director is so chatty that we would likely start late anyway. PS - it was SUNNY AND BRIGHT at the start.

I lined up mid to back of the back. I had a really rough week of running and I knew my legs were going to feel tired and heavy. I made it through the first mile without too much trouble, and then it was pretty much all over from there.

The entire race is run on the Ralston Creek trail - where I ran Spring Fever and the Ralston Creek half. It is not really a terrible path, it is just fairly exposed in most areas. I was pretty surprised that the shaded areas (first couple miles) didn't feel too horrible. I just was not in the mood to run. I took multiple walk breaks every mile.

This might be the best race sign I have ever seen:

There is a long mile and a half incline up around the reservoir. I had a man come up to me when the switchbacks started and tell me that he was so glad he caught me because every time he came close I would start running again. I took off and didn't see him again the rest of the race.

For me, there isn't much point in running up this hill. I am just not in the shape I used to be and it trashes my legs. So I did a lot of walking on the inclines. I had one mile that was almost 13 minutes. Womp womp. It was nice that I actually passed some people on the climb. The views were nice, if only it wouldn't have been so sunny.

Around mile 5.5 or 6 is when the course finally goes downhill before leveling out toward the end. I really do a great job of running downhill, and I passed probably 25-30 people on the backside of the hill. I still did a decent amount of run/walk intervals when it flattened out. I just did not have anything in me during this one.

Bib #677
Official Time - 2:23:22
Official Pace - 10:57
Overall Place - 146/208
Gender Place - 83/131
Division Place - 30/38
Garmin Time - 2:23:23
Garmin Distance 13.13 miles
Garmin Pace - 10:55
Mile 1 - 10:34
Mile 2 - 11:49
Mile 3 - 11:38
Mile 4 - 11:51
Mile 5 - 12:53
Mile 6 - 10:26
Mile 7 - 10:39
Mile 8 - 9:58
Mile 9 - 10:43
Mile 10 - 10:16
Mile 11 - 10:28
Mile 12 - 10:31
Mile 13 - 10:15
Mile 13.1 - 10:34

I saw Heather at the finish - she rocked the 10k and won 3rd in her AG.

We stuck around for the awards since All-Out gives out a TON of raffle prices. L and I both won free custom cones from Cold Stone.

  • All-Out puts on a great race. The course is always well-marked and the aid stations are always well-stocked with friendly volunteers. The trash is always a reasonable distance from the table so you don't have to stand there to drink (or litter).
  • All her races allow for a "drop station" at the first aid station if you decide to drop gear. It all gets taken back to the start by the time people are finishing.
  • The race shirts are always really nice and gender specific. This one I won't wear though because it is white and it is too see through for me. (Sorry, no pic - just imagine the poster above as the logo on the front on a thin white shirt).
  • The medals have gotten much better. She gives medals for all distances, and each one is distance specific.
  • Finish line has great food - breakfast burritos. My only complaint is no beer. Why not? Beer is the best :D
  • The raffles are fantastic - she gives out a TON of prizes, from gift certificates to local restaurants, gift cards to massage envy and random things like water bottles. I think we have won something every race.
  • Her races are very competitively prices - I think you can get in during "regular" registration for under $60.
  • With all that said... I really hate the course that this was on. It's a gradual to steepish uphill for the first 5.5 to 6 miles and pretty exposed. It is not AS bad during the cooler months, but this was not a lot of fun in the hot sun.
  • 7 is still pretty late to start. I will keep petitioning for a 6:30 start! It's light by then!
  • I probably won't run this again, mainly because there are so many other races to do. Maybe if I have nothing on my calendar next year...


  1. Great job with yet another half! you are really rocking them lately :)

  2. You guys have seriously the best races. Jealous. I never won a raffle for an ice cream cone at a race. That's the best swag ever!

  3. I really love that idea for a drop at the first aid station. That's genius. Hooray ICE CREAM.

  4. Just when you think you've heard it for the last I'll have that song stuck in my head all day. Lol

    I hate it when people use me to pace themselves. I'm tired of looking at you so give it up and let me drop you already!

    Our local October Spooktacular race always gives white shirts which I will never understand. And worse are the noobs who actually run in it and end the race exposing everything. Yikes! There's children here!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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