Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Normal (Week 12)

Tuesday - 3.2 at the gym. This was shaping up to be a great run. Unfortunately, A got into trouble in the daycare, so I had to cut the run short. Also did the video trifecta (legs, arms, core) and 35 push-ups.

Wednesday - 1.03 in the basement inferno in the morning. That night, I went to the Nine Inch Nails concert! A friend of mine won tickets and I was one of the lucky ones she invited to go with her. SO FUN! (Outside of paying $10 for ONE BEER).

What I envision the Zombie Apocalypse will look like (Or, the floor at a NIN concert)
Thursday - 1.11 in the basement inferno, legs and core. TODAY WAS A'S 8TH BIRTHDAY!! First, I surprised her with a new fancy dress before school. Then, I left work early so that I could take her to dinner and a movie. We managed to be the only people in the theater (We saw "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2") and A thought I reserved the whole theater just for her. OF COURSE I DID. So much food was consumed.

Friday - I got up REALLY early and ran 7.25 in the basement inferno. I needed it after eating ALL OF THE THINGS the night before. There was yet ANOTHER birthday celebration (with the grandparents).

Saturday - L wasn't feeling well so I took both kids with me to the gym in the morning and knocked out a pretty great 6.5 miles. I have no idea what I did the rest of the day, but I imagine I sat around and did NOTHING.
Sunday - Yet ANOTHER birthday celebration... today was A's actual birthday party with all her friends. She had been begging for almost a year to have a roller skating party, and thanks to her dad paying for it, we were able to make it happen. She said it was The Best Birthday Ever - especially since she got "free" roller skates for having her party there!

Dinner was ALL OF THE PIZZA. After dinner we went over to Jessa's house for about an hour. I successfully had worn A out, and she fell asleep on the drive home. I was able to watch the re-run of The Walking Dead and knocked out a 5k, did the video trifecta (legs, arms, core) AND 41 push-ups.
Monday - Yet another Best Run Ever. Heather had challenged me to try some "running fast." So... I did a progressive run - 1 @ 10:42, 1 @ 10:31, 1 @ 10:20, 1 @ 10:10, 1 @ 9:31, 1 @ 10:00 and 1.75 @ 9:31 (for a total of 7.75 miles at roughly a 10:00 overall pace). Interestingly, this did NOT kill me dead and it was NOT the worst ever. Baffling.

Weekly Run Miles - 29.95 (all treadmill)
Minutes of Strength Training - 95

Gain - 0.2 pounds

  • This is SHOCKING. I for real ate everything this week. The Halloween candy was the worst culprit, with a close second being the GIANT dinner I had on A's birthday (complete with something ridiculous like 5 desserts), the 3 donuts I had on Sunday and about half a large pizza. Food is The Best, I had a hard time controlling myself this week.
  • Obviously, sugar was a HUGE part of my week. There was just soooooooo many birthday celebrations!

Everything Else
  • Closure. I needed closure. So I did what any 35 year old grown person would do. I sent a jerky text message, blocked J's number, deleted his contact information and FINALLY figured out how to bypass that weird "recent history" bullshit, so now I'd have to do a LOT of work to contact him again. This all just needs to be DONE.
  • Talking to zero guys right now. And that is fine. I still have my eye on the guy from the gym, but he doesn't seem to keep as regular a schedule there as I do and I haven't seen him in over a week. Still debating if I want to go down that road again, and what on earth I would say. The gym is my second home, I don't want to look like a creeper. 
  • Having major self esteem issues right now. I don't know if it is stress or what, but my skin has been breaking out like CRAZY. And it is nothing that can be covered with foundation. The blemishes are big and red, on my forehead and around my mouth. If I try to put any sort of treatment on it, then it gets all dry and flaky. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, I AM PRACTICALLY MIDDLE AGED. WHY DO I STILL HAVE ACNE? Oh, and I'm also breaking out on my shoulder and back. THAT'S REALLY GREAT TOO.
  • It really helped for me to get out last week with friends. I hope to be able to do that at least every few weeks to maintain what little is left of my sanity.
  • Work = LAME LAME LAME. Apparently, the shareholders are currently planning the Christmas party. I HOPE IT IS WHILE I AM NOT HERE. I really really really don't want to be the ONLY single person at a holiday party. That sounds like The Worst Ever. Although, I do love free food. On the other hand, I don't really like most of the people I work with and the only thing that would get me through this horrible awkward situation is alcohol, which is NOT the best idea because it would 1). be a work event and 2). I would have to drive home.


  1. Looks like your daughter had a great birthday with lots of celebrating! I love that she thought you reserved the whole theater just for her :)

    I thought for sure once I was out of my teens the acne would go away too, I will be 36 next week and still have it. BOO

  2. Happy Birthday to A!!!! I can't believe she's 8 already. She really had the best birthday week.

    I'm no scientist, but could the breakouts be related to eatingallthesugar?

  3. Blame the changing weather! That's what I do when I have complexion issues!

  4. I'm with Jennifer. Every fall my skin gets worse and pretty much stays that way the entire season. My skin hates the dry air!

  5. Looks like A had the best birthday!! i'm so glad!! hmm.the breakouts could be stress related? or that time of the month? have you changed any cleansers/makeup etc? not uncommon at all to have adult acne. does your insurance cover a derm visit? may be worth someone checking it out.


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...