Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Should I Buy??

Normally I am fairly underwhelmed by race pictures...

However, I'm pretty tempted to buy this one:

This one the background looks good, the colors are pretty sharp, I may or may not look weird:

The proof is so tiny of this one that I can't actually tell if I am smiling or grimacing, but this one looks good:


I can buy "lo res" digital (which they say is "what you see is what you get") for $5 an image, or for $10 I can get a "hi res" digital.



  1. Maybe for $5...that's not too bad.

  2. Those are pretty awesome pictures. I'd definitely get the low res. I'd only get high res if I wanted to crop or actually print one.

  3. I'd get the first one for $10. That is pretty dang cheap really.

  4. You look happy. I once paid $15 for a race photo. It looked fine in the thumbnail, but when the 5x7 arrived, it was out of focus with a note saying they realized it was low quality and I could send it back to some place in New Zeland for a refund. It would have cost me just as much in postage as I'd paid for the pic! Never again!
    Those are good shots of you. The price is decent too for the gamble.

  5. wow, super cheap deal- go for it! i want my RNR ones from last year but for $14.95 for 1 5x7 and $39.95 for ONE digital download I am going to have to pass- it's ridiculous!

  6. I agree, pretty cheap for race photos. Some races have charged $80 for all the race images. Nuts. I'd go for it.

  7. High resolution - it's well worth it! You look so good in the pics!

  8. If you really love them and don't have any others from the race, then get them. :-) $10 is pretty darn cheap for race photos!

  9. Those are great pictures. I'd definitely buy the first or second one.


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