Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March Recap

Well, to be honest, March didn't really go quite as planned. I had this overly ambitious plan of "rebuilding my base" back to what it was when I was beginning training for Moab 2012. I know that I am not fast, and honestly, I am ok with that. However, it seems that the "bigger my base," the more consistent I run, and I typically am able to maintain a bit faster pace for longer. Well, I did get more "longish" runs in, but I am still nowhere near at the fitness level that I would like to be. While I don't care that I am slow, it takes MUCH longer to get the miles in. I have been going to the gym in the mornings in an attempt to get more miles in without compromising time with A, but I gotta say, it SUCKS to get up 4:00-4:30 and only have time to get in 7 or so miles before I need to get ready for work. Anyway. Doing what I can.

Miles run - 142.44 (About half of this is from racing, which is pretty normal for me)
Races run - Lucky Louisville 5k, Little Rock Marathon (26.2) and 24 Hours of Moab (48.33)
Accomplishments - Training runs of 7+ miles? 5!! That is a LOT better. Also, finally volunteered again!
Current aches - Left calf seems way worse than usual. Right one has (knock on wood) been a lot better of late. Right IT band is a bit achy.

No real goals right now, but L and I are headed into a pretty serious race schedule. Coming up in April I have 2 half marathons and 1 marathon. REALLY excited to see some of my out of state friends in Eugene!!

With that said... I am considering some more idiotic longer distance races. Not sure if I want to announce it yet or if I want to be talked out of it. Curious to see how my base rebuilding goes.

As seen on my 8 mile run Easter morning


  1. So sorry your calf is bothering you and your having IT band issues...I just got over dealing with hamstring lateral tendon pain and swelling...and of course, shin! we runners take it all in stride...pun intended! Blessings!

  2. wow your April race schedule is crazy! I love it. Good luck with all and great job in March. Your Easter run picture is GORGEOUS!

  3. 7 miles before work? Girl!

    Yep, I'm ready to see everyone too. It's about time.

  4. Love that picture. I say you join the crazy crowd.

  5. I'm running Eugene too! My first Full Marathon!!! Getting in town Saturday afternoon (driving down from Seattle). What's your pace? Maybe I'll find more information as I continue browsing your page :)

  6. i hate that i am missing yall at eugene. love that pic on your run!


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...