Monday, March 18, 2013

Lucky Louisville "5k" (Race Recap)

Saturday, March 16
Louisville, CO
A's 9th 5k
Weather - chilly and overcast

You might be wondering why the Lucky Louisville 5k is in " " - well, it was NOT a 5k... I've run one other race put on by this group, and that one also measured extremely short. No biggie to me, but for people who at least want to run their best, a short course can be extremely frustrating. I mean, how hard is it, really, in this day and age with GPS to measure a 5k? Anyway. That's my ONLY complaint (no, really!)

I thought I knew where the start area was, but then they just gave an intersection and warned an iPhone might tell me to go to Kansas. So.... we left early. We stopped on the way up and got pre-race fuel:

A had the one with the sprinkles - I'm NOT a huge sprinkle fan
We got there about 50 minutes before the race started. Out of all the races this weekend, I picked this one because it was close and it was inexpensive. $25 for me, and all kids under 8 were FREE. FREE!!! I picked up my bib (and really NICE shirt). Even though A's entry was free, she got a shirt (but no bib).

Since it was so chilly, we sat in the car until about 9:30, then we headed to use the bathroom. There was no wait so we were back in the car a few minutes later. We were literally only about 200 feet from the start line, so we didn't head over until 9:57 (with a 10 am start).

There was also a one mile option, and dogs AND strollers were allowed. It was a pretty small race though, and people were overall pretty considerate where they staged themselves. Those doing the 5k were asked to go to the "front" and we placed ourselves toward the back of the front (does that even make sense?)

A started off fast - always a concern for me since she tends to burn out fairly easily and then isn't too happy towards the end. She kept sprinting ahead and then stopping to wait. I told her she could just keep going, as it was a smallish race and I could see her ahead of me. We got to the turnaround point and that's pretty much when she started to get tired. Originally she told me she "wanted to catch the girl with the piggy tails" - but then she didn't really want to run.

Colorado isn't all that pretty in the dead of winter (yeah, I know "spring" is supposedly here this week but you wouldn't know it):

She jogged a large portion of what was left, and when we could start hearing the bagpipes, she knew we were close. She had been chasing a little boy (apparently HIS goal was to beat A - his mom kept saying - she's going to beat you!) and TOOK OFF with about a quarter mile to go. We did end up beating the little boy and his mom, and I barely was able to keep up with her to the finish.

Time - 28:07
Mile 1 - 11:34
Mile 2 - 13:10
Mile 2.35 - 9:14 (seriously, she is so fast!!)
A is wearing the race shirt - nice, right??
I (for the first time in my LIFE) had a cup of green beer. Overall, a fun day, but not something you want to run if you are super serious about the little things like accurate distance and such :D

PS - SEPARATE from my regular raffle, I'm doing a"flash giveaway" for anyone that donates to my fundraiser HERE. ANY donation I get today or tomorrow will be entered in to win a FREE INKnBURN tech tee of the winner's choice. ($10 minimum for the regular raffle). So get your entry in before 11:59 pm MST tomorrow!


  1. You guys look so cute! Love all the green. 'Spring' looks that way were I am too- actually it is snowing right now. hhhhhh so ready for warmer weather.

  2. I always knew I liked you....but when I saw your pre-race fuel? My respect grew even greater.

    Well done!

  3. Love that you race with your daughter! The photos are adorable...the one in the lower right hand corner needs to be framed!! You are such an inspiration! I hope to follow in your 50 state-half marathon foot steps. I've raced ten so far. I live in a little town in Florida, air fare to anywhere is so expensive, so, it's really difficult choosing my "next" race. If you don't mind me asking, what do you spend (travel, hotel, food, etc) on average for a race? How were you able to do all fifty in less than three years! Amazing! It has taken me three years to do ten!

  4. Wow she is getting fast! Such an improvement even over the last year. That's faster than my 5k PR! Haha

  5. Fun - love the donuts. However, I AM a huge sprinkle fan so I'd eat that one for you.

  6. Looks like a fun race! A is so cute!

    Last Thanksgiving I ran a 5K with the hopes of a PR (sub-27). I was right on pace to run 26 something, or maybe even faster, and I crossed the finish line at 2.88 miles according to my Garmin. I felt jipped after running so hard! I had run this race before and it was the correct distance, but they had to change it this year due to construction.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...